In memoriam

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Minuteman, Sep 7, 2023.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    In the last 18 years here at the Monkey we have lost some staff members and some really good friends. When they are gone we always make posts about how much we valued thier contributions. How we laughed and were sometimes inspired by thier words. How much they will be missed. I have always thought that it is a shame that we do that after they are gone
    Why can't we do that while they are still with us
    So they can read all the kind words and can see how much of an impact they have had.
    I love that the words of those we have lost are preserved here in our pages. They live on through thier postings here. I often go back and read the posts of Righthand, Connie and Ghrit. Among others. And especially treasure our PMs.
    As many of you know our long time moderator Bruce, BT has been fighting terminal cancer. I spoke with him recently and they think he may be in the final stage of his battle. I thought it would be a good thing to let him know now how much he is loved, valued and respected. I can't imagine what the Monkey would be like without his hand in it these many years. He has always been a voice of reason. A wealth of information. And for those who don't know him personally, he is one of the best friends you could ever hope to have in your life. He has lived a life of adventure and honor and he is an inspiration to many. And the way he has faced this final chapter of his life has inspired me and given me hope that I can face it with the dignity and courage that he has shown when my time comes.
    Bruce, I love you buddy and will always treasure our talks and I will always remember you when I use the radio I bought from you. I promise I'll get my license and use it, just for you buddy. You will be more than missed. You will always be a part of the Monkey and your words will always be here for generations to come to read. As long as I have the privilege to tread this earth I will make sure that the Monkey stays here and stays strong and preserves the wisdom and knowledge that you and so many others have shared here. I love you buddy. And we will meet again.
  2. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Bruce, although we never really talked much, I appreciate your work here, simply from the testimony given by Minuteman. (y)

    Not sure what your personal beliefs are, but go forth into whatever comes next, knowing that you did a darn good job here! :)
    Dunerunner, GrayGhost, Zimmy and 4 others like this.
  3. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Bruce has answered many questions for me. Much love for you brother! I am sure myself and others will benefit from your many contributions here for many years to come. Thank you for leaving this legacy to us!
    Dunerunner, GrayGhost, Zimmy and 4 others like this.
  4. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I asked Bruce if he felt up to it to check in here and see what we all had to say about him
    Keep it coming Monkeys.
  5. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    Bruce, thank you for all you do and for sharing your wisdom with all of us. My first experience with a survivalist forum was awful and I was nearly in tears over it. I was afraid to join another forum and almost gave up, but you were the first person who reached out after I applied here and I have always felt welcomed and comfortable. I'm very thankful for you. Sending you lots of love.
    Dunerunner, GrayGhost, Zimmy and 3 others like this.
  6. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I watched your episode on Alaskan Bush People, awesome green sweats! What a great life you’ve led, most of us couldn’t carry those green sweat pants. Much love, Meat.
  7. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Yes as others have said we love our BT
    He and I had a small business dealing in which there is no need for details years ago.
    Very gracious human being.
    Love you man, wish we were miles closer
  8. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

  10. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Bruce, I have done everything in this life that I wanted to do, sometimes done it twice, but I wish I would have gone into the bush like you did instead of coming back stateside from overseas. That is the one thing I really wish I would have done. So, yeah, I'm green with envy and I admit it!

    Thanks for fielding my questions on numerous occasions. I can be a PIA when I am trying to learn something, and you took the time to explain even when I pestered you for details...We'll see you soon, friend. God Bless.
  11. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    I need to put into type and proof read it well .
    Sloth / Col Smith
  12. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    You've been giving sound advice and fathering over this board since I started coming around.

    Thank you for the good times here, which you certainly were a part of.

    Travel well into the next adventure, friend.
    Dunerunner, GrayGhost and Gator 45/70 like this.
  13. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    A voice of sanity and reason, I never knew you but you have an airplane in your avatar so you have to be good. Thanks for all of the sage advice, you will be missed. God Bless.
  14. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Bruce, you were always the guy I turned to for advice on explosives, and assessment of explosions. Your explanations were as clear as any professor could ever hope to recite. Your adventures and difficulties in the bush and how you calmly managed to find a way forward through it all have been inspiring. You've been a voice of reason when tempers got heated between members and have been a wonderful teacher to more monkeys than you'd imagine. We'll miss you.
    SB21, Dunerunner, GrayGhost and 2 others like this.
  15. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I am old enough to have lived in an era when respect was earned, not expected. Bruce has earned respect, and that respect continues.

    Dont, apache235, hot diggity and 6 others like this.
  16. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    All I can say is thank ! You have been a stalwart here among us heathens and I have always appreciated your insight and unique perspective on the world !
  17. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Monkey+++

    Though we've never spoke in person, I've always looked to you as a voice of reason and insightfulness, along with a no BS attitude.
    Many thanks for all of the knowledge shared and takes told.
    Be well, my friend, and God bless.
  18. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    You have made a real positive difference in this life. I am praying for you and am sure when the time comes you will be welcomed into heaven with open arms.
  19. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Bruce, I have learned so much from you and your patience and friendship. I wish I had been able to meet you in person, but that will have to wait until I can bluff my way through the pearly gates. Make no mistake you are among those I consider loved ones. May the rest of your journey here be full of peace and love.
    apache235, Gator 45/70, Zimmy and 3 others like this.
  20. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    You are an inspiration, mentor, educator, innovator, adventurer, and have lived a life many would envy. Your steady hand has guided this forum, keeping it on track with what the founding members foresaw. I cannot express the importance of the impact you have had here as it is monumental in scope. I have gained much from our conversations and from your perspective on things relating to this great forum of ideas called The Monkey.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
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