Illegal sues for higher pay – and wins!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hacon1, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. hacon1

    hacon1 Monkey+++

    Illegal sues for higher pay – and wins!
    Aliens demand companies shell out minimum wage or face state investigation
    Posted: January 06, 2009
    9:50 pm Eastern


    Outraged at his low pay and uncompensated overtime, an illegal alien in Boston filed a complaint with the Massachusetts attorney general's office against a supermarket – and won his case.

    The illegal alien from Guatemala spoke to the Boston Globe anonymously because he feared deportation.

    "I was just collecting what was rightfully owed to me," he said in Spanish. "They already pay us a miserable amount of money. Why do they have to rob us?"

    The alien spent years at a Super 88 supermarket seafood counter earning $6 an hour instead of the state's $8 an hour minimum wage. He grew frustrated as the supermarket did not compensate him for his overtime work.

    One day, he decided to gather his pay stubs into a plastic bag and deliver them to a lawyer – who turned them over to the state attorney general's office.

    To his surprise, Super 88 was ordered to provide back pay and fines of $200,000 to more than 300 workers, the Globe reported.

    Illegal aliens now make up 17 percent of Massachusetts' workers – twice the state's 1980 workforce. Authorities have expressed concern that employers sometimes exploit illegals because they believe aliens will not report them to state labor authorities.

    "It's a huge problem," Russ Davis, executive director of Massachusetts Jobs with Justice, told the Globe. "We really need some major way to address it, and if not, the economy in Massachusetts is going to spiral down into sweatshop conditions."

    Super 88's owners are said to be Vietnamese immigrants who did were not aware with the state's labor laws. Now they are paying penalties and back wages and are subject to state monitoring.

    (Story continues below)

    According to the report, Attorney General Martha Coakley has staffed bilingual employees, allowed complaints to be filed in 90 languages and provided logbooks to nonprofit organizations to help illegal aliens track their hours.

    Now state officials are implementing a no tolerance policy for companies that don't compensate illegals.

    In November, 764 former workers at a New Bedford factory raided by U.S. immigration agents won an $850,000 settlement. The company was forced to pay overtime wages.

    In May, C-Mart Supermarket in Chinatown was forced to pay $66,000 for not adhering to state minimum wage.

    The seafood worker from Super 88, a father of five, said he worked 14 hours every day, six days a week since 2004 at the $6 rate. He said he applied there after his job painting houses for $10 an hour became too hazardous. He was working without a harness and standing on old ladders.

    "It's like we're worth nothing," he said. "I was worried. But I was also worried about my family because I had to send them money."

    According to the Globe, the attorney general's office never asks about a worker's citizenship status because officials claim their intention is to enforce state law – not federal immigration law.

    Steve Kropper, cochair of Massachusetts Citizens for Immigration Reform, said illegals are not entitled to minimum wage because they are not citizens.

    "No government resources should be devoted to the rights of people who are here illegally," he said. "They broke the law by being here. They had no right to the job."
  2. CBMS

    CBMS Looking for a safe place

    I hope his and all of his illegal friends asses get fired. Want fair pay? Then Play fair and immigrate Legally.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Outraged at his low pay and uncompensated overtime, an illegal alien in Boston filed a complaint with the Massachusetts attorney general's office against a supermarket – and won his case.
    As a non citizen, non green card, how does he have standing to sue anyone? That is a court test I'd like to see.

    The illegal alien from Guatemala spoke to the Boston Globe anonymously because he feared deportation.
    As he should.

    "I was just collecting what was rightfully owed to me," he said in Spanish. "They already pay us a miserable amount of money. Why do they have to rob us?"
    Why does he think he's entitled to take a US job for his own?

    The alien spent years at a Super 88
    Asian food, mostly. No surprise, the proprietor is likely well versed in dodging certain "regulations."
    supermarket seafood counter earning $6 an hour instead of the state's $8 an hour minimum wage. He grew frustrated as the supermarket did not compensate him for his overtime work.
    Frustrated with his wages? The way the economy is going now, he oughta be happy to have income, even if it is below citizen's wages.

    One day, he decided to gather his pay stubs into a plastic bag and deliver them to a lawyer – who turned them over to the state attorney general's office.
    Betcha that lawyer is a Democrat.

    To his surprise, Super 88 was ordered to provide back pay and fines of $200,000 to more than 300 workers, the Globe reported.
    And so am I surprised. Should not have happened. Bet the judge was a Democrat, too.

    Illegal aliens now make up 17 percent of Massachusetts' workers – twice the state's 1980 workforce. Authorities have expressed concern that employers sometimes exploit illegals because they believe aliens will not report them to state labor authorities.
    Concerned? If the immigration laws were obeyed, there would be no such concern. The "authorities" need some training in law, it seems.

    "It's a huge problem," Russ Davis, executive director of Massachusetts Jobs with Justice, told the Globe. "We really need some major way to address it, and if not, the economy in Massachusetts is going to spiral down into sweatshop conditions."
    Davis just dropped his shorts in public.J w/ J is pretty well known for liberal leanings.

    According to the report, Attorney General Martha Coakley has staffed bilingual employees, allowed complaints to be filed in 90 languages and provided logbooks to nonprofit organizations to help illegal aliens track their hours.
    Coakley is kow-towing to what she hopes will eventually be voters. I'll give her some credit for following state law and doing some crusades, but she should pick better causes.

    Now state officials are implementing a no tolerance policy for companies that don't compensate illegals.
    How about zero tolerance for illegals? This just chaps my tush.

    In November, 764 former workers at a New Bedford factory raided by U.S. immigration agents won an $850,000 settlement. The company was forced to pay overtime wages.
    That is twisted.

    In May, C-Mart Supermarket in Chinatown was forced to pay $66,000 for not adhering to state minimum wage.
    That, too, unless the employees that were shorted are legals.

    The seafood worker from Super 88, a father of five, said he worked 14 hours every day, six days a week since 2004 at the $6 rate. He said he applied there after his job painting houses for $10 an hour became too hazardous. He was working without a harness and standing on old ladders.
    Beneath comment.

    "It's like we're worth nothing,"
    And so they should be untill legal. Gad.
    he said. "I was worried. But I was also worried about my family because I had to send them money."
    Easy solution, become legal.

    According to the Globe, the attorney general's office never asks about a worker's citizenship status because officials claim their intention is to enforce state law – not federal immigration law.
    Intention? Since when do federal laws get ignored?

    Steve Kropper, cochair of Massachusetts Citizens for Immigration Reform, said illegals are not entitled to minimum wage because they are not citizens.
    A lib, but on the right track.

    "No government resources should be devoted to the rights of people who are here illegally," he said. "They broke the law by being here. They had no right to the job."

    As a former MA resident, I can tell you for sure that most of the illegals there are honest, hard working, and usually pretty skilled workers. The eastern part of the state is full of Vietsnamese, Portugese, and Hispanics, and in general they bust their butts to do well. I'd hire a dozen in a minute without fear that they would shirk or sit down on the job. But only if they could show me paper that said they were on the up and up with immigration.

    The western part of the state is farmland that often uses migrants. The farmers are VERY careful to follow the rules and work with the State Department to ensure they don't not run afoul of Federal laws.

    But I'm still glad to be out of Taxachusetts.
  4. tofu2u2

    tofu2u2 Monkey++

    Let's think this one through:

    1. in the past, illegals would accept less pay for the same work.

    2. as such, employers had an incentive to hire illegals at lower wages which displace citizens in the workforce.

    3. if illegals receive the same pay/benefits as citizens, what incentive is there to hire illegals?
  5. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    if a cop pulls me over for speeding and finds an open beer in the console,he doesn't ignore it and say" my intention was to enforce the speed laws. This just stinks to high heaven of liberal think.
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