How Massachusetts roles out Agenda 21

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fl4848, Jul 31, 2022.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    New State Rule Would Force Suburbs to Legalize Thousands of New Apartments Near T Stops

    New State Rule Would Force Suburbs to Legalize Thousands of New Apartments Near T Stops

    One of the stated goals of Agenda 21 is to move people from single family homes in the suburbs to apartment complexes. The reason for this is because people are easier to control when they are in apartment complexes because they are solely reliant on the gov't. Can't make their own food in gardens. They're surrounded by tattle-tell leftists, which will report you for having a firearm.

    One of the reasons that we won the Revolutionary War is because everyone had their own farms and everyone was self-sustainable. The powers that be don't like that.

    My guess as to how they'll play this... Create low income housing in all of the towns in Massachusetts. The housing will be created, but it will be empty. Then roll out the Great Reset. Crash the dollar. Implement a global crypto Federal Reserve Central Bank currency. People will be desperate to get onto the new currency so they can purchase food again. They'll gladly sell their house in exchange for the new global crypto currency. Then, they'll be forced to move into the low income housing because they can't afford to live in a single family home anymore.
    Walla! Agenda 21 has effectively moved everyone from single family homes into apartment complexes.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    [kneelsuckers]Nope, not the way it works. Created low income, elderly housing, etc in old mills etc up here in NH. Started out as full of elderly from towns as expected, but with a waiting list for all "qualified for apartment". Course elderly soon died in few years, and then those on the waiting list, the disabled, mental health people, the addicts, the single parent welfare mom with a child that was autistic, the ones who just knew how to abuse the system and not work moved in, one by one. and since they were young, did not die in a couple years, the units became a totally different place and are no longer even elderly friendly. . If you own an apartment and rent out units, when you rent a unit out, you can't refuse on the basis of mental health issues, race, number of children, marital status, or even ability to pay based on family income if they get housing vouchers, etc, or the lawyers and social services will end up owning the place, 5 years later you now own your own private ghetto and if an apartment becomes empty and you don't rent to one of their friends, it all starts over again.

    Well you may be right, the short term effect will be a cluster of low cost subsidized housing units, based on welfare, mental health grants, disability insurance, etc near.mass transit and a defacto change in the nature of the community. That is the real goal and it will be implemented as a grand equity experiment and in 20 years we will know if it works or if it will be another failed attempt to change the nature of the beasts. As we all know forced school busing in order to equalize the races worked so well in achieving the desired vast improvement in the learning process for the state of Michigan with Detroit being the shining example of the success of the project implemented about 50 years ago.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2022
    fl4848 likes this.
  3. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    Yes. This sounds about right.
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