Home made electric generator using alternator and batteries?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ajax, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    I am thinking about putting together a rig using something like a alternator and batteries to store the energy and maybe a bike rig to power the alternator and was just looking around to see if anyone has done this or knows of a website with good tips and stuff.

    I'm not the best with electrical terms but what is the easiest way to determine how much power you can generate with an alternator and how long it will take to fully charge x amount of batteries. or how much electricity a few lights and a radio or whatever would use compared to the capacity of the battery/ies?
  2. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

  3. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: Home made electric generator using alternator and batter

    almost everything you need to know is here:

    I think this link is in the thread tango posted as well
  4. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Re: Home made electric generator using alternator and batter

    Don't forget if youve got a push lawn mower in the shed; you can use that (vertical motor ) and a bracket or hole in the mower deck to "kluge" one together...saw that somewhere and a 12v marine batt can ride on the deck.
  5. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    Re: Home made electric generator using alternator and batter

    Cool, thanks guys. I'm not sure when I will actually start but this will help a lot.
  1. T. Riley
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  3. techsar
  4. Hillbilly549
  5. Benjamin A. Wood
  6. Papa_asf130
  7. Asia-Off-Grid
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  9. Asia-Off-Grid
  10. Asia-Off-Grid
  11. Asia-Off-Grid
  12. Asia-Off-Grid
  13. Asia-Off-Grid

    Generator FAQ 2001

    Generator FAQ, By Steve Dunlop. [img]
    Posted By: Asia-Off-Grid, Jul 19, 2018 in category: Energy
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