High school robotics team builds power wheelchair for 2-year-old who can't walk on his own

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DKR, May 6, 2019.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    You know the trope/meme- American teens are lazy, stupid and addicted to their cell phones.....

    Not all of them are -

    (High school robotics team builds power wheelchair for 2-year-old who can't walk on his own)
    A high school robotics team has stepped up in a big way to help a 2-year-old boy with cerebral palsy.

    FARMINGTON, Minnesota -- A high school robotics team in Farmington, Minnesota, has changed a 2-year-old boy's life.

    Cillian Jackson has a genetic condition with symptoms that are similar to cerebral palsy, making it difficult for him to walk.

    His father told CNN they were initially referred to a program called Go Baby Go, which provides modified toy cars to young children with disabilities so they can move around independently and have the opportunity to socialize with their peers.

    But when Cillian's parents realized there wasn't a chapter near their home, Rogue Robotics, Farmington High School's robotics team, swooped in to help.

    Cillian's father reached out to the team, who was more than willing to take on the project, after insurance wouldn't cover it.

    The team got to work, modifying a Power Wheels toy car provided by Cillian's parents.

    On top of that, the team replaced the toy's electrical components, mounted a seat from a bicycle carrier and designed a joystick with a 3D printer.

    Mods included
    3-D printed joystick , wrote new code for the motor controller - from scratch! Modded the original 'toy' into something very useful for this youngster...

    Oh, and they got invited to the White House to meet the First Lady - win all the way around.
  2. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Great story and gave me an idea for the old power chair I have out back. I think I have the basis for a new mobile target system.
    Ganado and sec_monkey like this.
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