Haul axx bag

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Merkun, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    I was just reading an article concerning the Calif wild fires and the lack of time to haul axx after warnings were issued. We all know and appreciate the need for BOBs, but that nearly always presumes some time to plan and load out. How many of us could throw the HAB in the car and be gone in less than the ten or so minutes made available for something like the "Camp" fire that destroyed Paradise, CA?
    My HAB is the same one I have for recovery if the house goes up, whether I'm here or not. I have to get it out of the shed and color me gone. We don't have nearly the threat of wild fires up here, but the risk DOES exist. No, the bag's (actually a plastic tub) contents will not last more than a day or three, and contains nothing that will resist freezing, but it will keep me warm and fed.
    Are you ready?
  2. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    Assuming your family is all at home when the warning comes, bugging out should be a matter of driving away within sixty seconds of deciding to leave.

    If you can't do it in one minute flat, you are really only ready to start getting ready to bug out.

    If it turns out you actually have some extra (grace) time, you can always load up more stuff if you choose.

    On the other hand, leaving nine minutes ahead of everybody that needed ten minutes to finish getting ready to leave would put you nine minutes ahead of most of the roadblocks, traffic jams, and riots.

    With extra time, it just becomes a judgement call because, unlike most others, you actually have the option to leave at warp speed if you need to.
  3. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    This is a well timed post. We just grabbed two new bags for our boys and we're thinking about filling them. My bob resides in the car because of cert. We had bags for all of us, but these are the grown up versions we want to move the kids to. I have my med kit, a change of clothes, three days of dehydrated food, and my cook kit. I know there are a hundred ways to do these things, but my picture of a bob deals with having to be on the ground for three days or in a shelter.
    oldawg, Ganado, Zimmy and 6 others like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    We had a Wildfire threat happen to us our first year living here, 3 years ago. And, then again this past Fall. Three years ago, a wildfire was looking like we would all have to run and we were told to be packed and ready to go. It was about 2 miles away, as crow flies. This past Fall was much, much closer and more scarier. A logging firm were burning some slash piles near our road (our road has ~30 homes on it) and even though they are required to have someone there at all times - they didn't. Around 2am, one of the slash piles ignited again and set fire to the surrounding area. It literally was only 200-300 yards away. It was only luck that a police officer took a swing by the area spotting it and called it in. Deputies came around in the middle of the night trying to warn people to get up and be ready to go. Luckily, the fire brigand got control of it and all we had was a sleepless night. Scary stuff because many here close their gates so they couldn't be notified and others, like myself, was in la-la-land and reaction time was slow.

    These incidents were good hard lessons. One of the things I did was place all our documents, cash and a 30 day supply of medicine for myself and wife in a heavy canvas briefcase with a strong carrying strap in the safe. The guns with loaded magazines already reside there in the safe. We also have these plastic 4-Day Mountain House freeze-dried buckets sitting by the safe (BTW Costco sells these buckets for $59 for 12 pouches which is the best deal that you will ever find for freeze-dried). I am currently looking at 6 buckets, ready and waiting. Water and toiletries are already in the car and truck along with full med-kits in each. We also always keep both of the vehicles tanks full, never below a quarter.

    Anyway, I won't bore you with more details but that is just a few of the things we do in case we have to run...
    SB21, Zimmy, Seepalaces and 3 others like this.
  5. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I have totes. Lots of totes and some are packed for a quick grab and go. I just went through my totes and found some really expired items. I now have my totes on the rotation list.

    I just saw a Vietnam era Army issued duffel bag. I was amazed at the space and liked the way it closed (top). No broken zippers with that bag. The material was heavy and durable. I have been considering going to an Army Navy store to get one. I think it will fit our sleeping bags, tent and a few camping supplies. It would be a great bag for grab & go.
    Ganado, SB21, Gator 45/70 and 5 others like this.
  6. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Stick with totes. After hauling a seabag (same as the Army issued) around for a bit, it gets old in a hurry. As issued, ours weighed 70 lbs. No prob for us youngsters, but now not so much. In truth, I'd have preferred a pair of 35 pounders to balance the load, coolie style. Pack baskets are another option to consider. In fact, pack baskets have the huge advantage of not collapsing when you take stuff out.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    What? Are referring to totes?

    I just thought those bags were cool because they are material. I find with totes, they take up space and have no give but the Army bags are not a structured storage and could take up less room.
    Gator 45/70, Zimmy and Seepalaces like this.
  8. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I still have three old military duffle bags. My original USAF issue bag with one strap, and two Navy issue bags with two backpack style straps.
    Having hauled that USAF duffle across tge Hotlanta airport at a full run to change planes, that single strap was a POS! Get the Navy style bag with twin straps!
    They are rugged, heavy canvas.
  9. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Motomom34 You can get those duffels with adjustable arm straps also so that you can carry them like a backpack also.
    I'm going to steal your idea for my sleeping bags, ground mats and tent. It wouldn't be too heavy and the heavy canvas would protect the tent and sleeping bags from getting punctured. Good idea!
  10. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    You can pack a lot of weight in those old sea bags . More than you're going to want to have to hump around all day.
    Seepalaces, Gator 45/70 and Ganado like this.
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yup. WAY more than you want to carry. For sure, test load out is a necessity. @Motomom34 I think totes are the best way for you. If you think to hump the load, use a pack frame rather than stuffing a sea bag, no matter if one strap or two.

    Side note: Wayback, before even Tac or me, the issue to swabbies was in two sailcloth bags. The idea was one on each side. Among other things, one could keep closer to upright on the march.
    Seepalaces, Gator 45/70 and Ganado like this.
  12. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    It might be prudent to have a load out system.
    primary bag has, important papers photos and irreplaceable including medicines and FAK. each family member has there own and like a fanny pack attached to each person's body .
    secondary bag has food water other daily essentials .
    third is a bag of clothing and relevant body coverings relevant to weather conditions and anticipated worst case scenarios .
    fourth , sleeping systems and tents and camping equipment including tarps and lamps and fuel.
    More cod be added to the list but in the event one leaves by car , obviously cannot carry all that stuff at once but , carry what one is capable of by priority , the worse conditions become ,either one stops and makes camp ,or drop the lesser essential and run, depending on the impending conditions .
    If you have nothing, you are dependent on what never help is available if any. if you expected to live off the land , so did a whole lot of other people .
    IF there is a trail you use to get where you're going , it is likely you are not the one that made that trail.
    If the event requires your bugging out from home, and motorized transportation is out of the question, it might be wise to have the means of carrying your goods mechanically . a bug out cart. DSCN4138.JPG
    the joints are sold for awnings and the tubing is electrical conduit .I can comfortably cary 300 lbs all over my property .
    because of the way things are attached I can reconfigure it at random like a transformer to any thing I need. taller shorter longer ,or use the tubing for a shelter or elevated bed off the ground (hammock).
    The frame work is flexible to the need and can be broken down to a very small package .
    In the event I had to cary some one this would be more than adequate .
    Like the wagon wheel of old the airless wheel chair wheels handle the rough terrane well .
    If I lived in country with the potential of snow I'd have skis I could attach to the tires .
    Right now I use this cart to haul fire wood around and other debris , I have other tools fo the job but this one is nicest
    Tempstar and Gator 45/70 like this.
  13. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Bags, obviously from the context. Yes, seabags and the equal army etc. duffel bags are flexible material, but they don't lend themselves to compartmentalization, they do not do well with hard stuff (other than shoes and boots required for uniforms.)

    Nor are they cool, they hang right close to your back and make you sweat and smell like a turkey farm.

    As I mentioned above, pack baskets are an option you might look at. Take stuff out and they don't collapse and make you feel around to get what you want. Here's one source.
    Hand-Crafted Pack Baskets | Premiere Quality, Maine Made |Pack Baskets Of Maine | (207) 989-0823
    Pricey option, for sure, but the idea is sound and a bit of looking might turn over a "less dear" alternative. You will need a pack frame for humping this brand anyway. Other brands come with shoulder straps.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe


    From the movie The Sand Pebbles.


    The Navy - I had considered joining, settled on the Zoomie life. No swimming involved.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    For storage of soft items, like you listed, the .mil duffel bag is a good choice. As others noted, the kind with shoulder straps are better if you have to move the stored items for any distance.

    I use smaller, airline style, duffels as I leave them in the Eurovan full time. Everything is placed into a heavy plastic bag, then the duffel is closed. Moisture can be a problem here, esp in the summer.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  16. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Ho-mang (Holman). motormac first.

    And the Red Dog Was Ready.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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