Happy Thanks Giving from the World Bank Investment Committee

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seacowboys, Nov 23, 2023.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Here's a little good news for all y'all turkey eating consumers that need something to be thankful for: The Turkey Stock Market is expected to trade at 7360.17 points by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 6058.87 in 12 months time.
    Bet it never occurred to you that a traditional holiday meal not only has the support of the world bank and stock exchange, numerous small investors, giant corporate farms, and the Pharmacy industry (steroids to assist in rapid growth with a minimal investiment in housing and food for condemned fowls), the transportations system, highways, rails, and airborne systems, truck drivers, refridgeration concerns, electric workers that support freezing and transporting 46,000,000 genetically engineered and modified roasting turkeys at an average weight of 12-20 lbs each, commercial airlines, Pumpkin Spice manufacturers in China, printing services that make those stupid items like napkins with turkeys on them, $100, 000,000, 000 television advertising fiat dollar being circulated among those of us that rely on bogus currency and ponzi-ecconomics, A four day weekend with all the family skeletons readdressed to remind us of why we don't do this more often, over-induldged eating to keep the insurance profits soaring while at the same time, boosting family owned funeral and cremation services, all insuring fatter sea gulls and crows around city dumps throughout our land. The real kick is that nobody really cares much for the traditional feast for the gathering of family and friends to celebrate having an abundance of harvest after a period of famine, we don't even know that turkeys once lived in the woods rather than short-term corporate farms, had feathers, and got eaten by pretty much anything that could catch them, they come frozen, or if you are affluent, delivered roasted with numerous side-dishes. Thanks Giving is all about Black Friday Sales projections...win, lose, or draw, Santa is coming!
    Alanaana, Dont and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Glad to see you back and in your normal good behavior. Wild turkeys eat acorns in my front yard, scratch in my compost pile for worms, roost about 1 day in 6 in a tree I can see from my porch. Everything likes to eat turkeys, so they hedge their bets and rotate at random the roost tree and get 25 to 30 feet off the ground on limbs that they can bail out on. Saw a panic departure one morning, dog came to bottom of tree. Lots of movement, lots of noise, and several hundred feet before they landed, and not as a group, but diffused. Don't know now, but the most common commercial bird used to be one created in Beltsville Maryland. It had a good sized breast, was fast growing, docile, white feathers so you can't see the pin feathers, a medium sized bird, and good at raising next generation. They have been replaced for the most part with a larger cross bred bird. White and large, quick growing and a little dry, most frozen birds are internally basted. They are dry, have little fat and such big breasts that they tend to have to use artificial insemination in order to get fertile eggs and use incubators to hatch the eggs as the hens break most of them when trying to brood them.

    About Broad Breasted White Turkeys: The #1 Turkey Meat Producer

    Not really a breed you want in your survival plans. Several of the heritage turkeys do very well and can forage for a lot of their food.
    Alanaana and Ura-Ki like this.
  3. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I used to have a flock of Bronze turkeys with a few whites that had been given to me. Bronze are a solid breed. The Bronze Tom used to breed all the little white turkeys...even the males.
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