Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Dec 25, 2017.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Thank you, Santa! FINALLY somebody is representing and thinking about the American people! Click link for full story...some of the highlights below.

    "Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget"
    "U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Sunday night announced a historic reduction in the U.N. biennial operating budget.

    Haley said the plan calls for a $285 million cut for the 2018-19 fiscal year.

    The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known,” Haley said. “We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked."

    The U.S. pays about 22 percent of the U.N.’s budget, or roughly $3.3 billion, and fully 28 percent of its peacekeeping effort.

    The U.N.'s operating budget is separate from its peacekeeping budget, which was cut by $600 million this year, under pressure from President Donald Trump, AFP reported.

    Trump last week threatened to cut off financial aid to countries that voted in favor of a draft U.N. resolution calling for the U.S. to withdraw its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital."

    EDIT: I don't care what others might say...this guy is my President and not just in name! America First!

    Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
    Seepalaces, sarawolf, Dont and 7 others like this.
  2. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    A very small step in the right direction. 285 million sounds like a lot, but it is less than 0.1% of what the US squanders on the UN annually.

    A 2.85 Billion dollar reduction would have been significant (y)
  3. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I'm no political genius , but it sure does seem like President Trump is actually trying to do stuff for the betterment of of America and its people.
    He's not lazy , he wants to see progress , he wants to see things get done , these are things needed to build a business , which he has done. And in my opinion , it's this attitude and work ethic that is needed to rebuild our country , quit throwing away our countries money , at our expense. Put some hope back into our country , show us our work is paying off for us. And hopefully instill some work ethics back into some levels of our society.
    It seems like the ones that are getting pissed at him for what he's doing , are the ones that have been abusing our system , the politicians that have been lying to us for so long , nickel and dimeing us to death , continuously making false promises to us , and living the easy life off of our backs , all the while living the good life , big homes , fine foods , fancy cars , no worries. My work , and financial status goes up and down , almost as much as the sun , but our politicians never have to worry about that. Piss on'em.
    Hang in there President Trump, there's a lot of us out here pulling for you , and hoping your able to restore hope and prosperity and peace to this country.
    Seepalaces, sarawolf, Dont and 6 others like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    True! But, this is a start and far more than any other politician has done or would do. And, besides, I think in dollars and cents and what that amount can do for America and its people and $285M can do a lot when building schools, better teacher pay or hiring more teachers, medical care or even put on the debt... But, the real thing that excites me, is I know no other would have cut a dime from the UN budget and now I hope this is only the start. Personally, I do think there is a defined purpose for a UN but they have far exceeded their scope of operation/purpose and now dictate and demand so they need to be reined in but not sure I would want to cripple them and a $2.85B cut would do so... I think this is the warning shot over the bow.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Seems that's a reduction in whole operating budget, not the US share. (But it IS a step.) Nikki is making some good noises, but her home state did not think all that highly of her as governor because of that sort of slight of hand with numbers. All the same, I'll wait and watch for a significant misstep.
    Seepalaces and techsar like this.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    You're right, it's unclear but rereading it again it seems that the US wouldn't be announcing for the UN - I mean - they cannot say or tell what the UN budget is going to be but only their own portion of it so I am going out on a limb and saying that the US intends to cut what they are paying by $285M no matter what the UN does... "The United States was seeking a $250 million cut to the U.N. budget for 2018-19, on top of $200 million in savings already proposed by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Agence France-Presse reported two weeks ago." We'll see...My guess is the UN will start raising hell now so we should see some more information soon...
    Seepalaces and techsar like this.
  7. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Fk it, at least it's a start.
    It's more than the last retard ever did.
    Every time they do something we don't like, a little at a time.
    Eventually they will get it.
    It's a pay to play club. Since the US pays so much in we don't have to pay more to bend them to our will. Our contributions are a fixture to that institution. All we have to do cut and threaten to cut money to get them to do what we want, not pay more.
    I'm glad someone finally understands this.
  8. sarawolf

    sarawolf Monkey+++

    I will be happy when we send 0 to the UN. They are a waste of money and time.
    Seepalaces and techsar like this.
  9. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Problem is if the US cuts all contributions tomorrow to the UN it will implode and God only knows what will pop up replace it.
    It has to be done slowly.
    On the very unlikely chance that it turns out to be a very bad idea to cut all or most funding, it can be restored, hopefylly to a very reduced level compared to today.
    It would be cheaper than fighting world War 3 and then paying for cleaning up the mess.
  10. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

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