Gun rights and mental health restrictions: A slippery slope

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Why is it a slippery solpe?
    The government obviously isn't doing anything about it.
    The only health care institution submitting the paper work to bar people from buying a gun is the VA. In 2016 they were submitting something like 97% of those forms.
    Obviously a ploy to scare people away instead of helping them.
    Wild Trapper and OldDude49 like this.
  3. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I had a VA shrink during a session with them started asking about guns , then asked how many guns I had , that was the end of that conversation. I have to see one of them about every year or 2 just to stay in their system , but I don't need no nutcase telling me I'm a nutcase.
    Wild Trapper and OldDude49 like this.
  4. aardbewoner

    aardbewoner judge a human on how he act,not on look and talk.

    "The government obviously isn't doing anything about it." LOL looking at what the hire !And keep employed/promoted it look the select on it.
    @SB21 I doubt the ask you on your active time that.
    SB21 likes this.
  5. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Gotta watch those VA shrinks.
    SB21 likes this.
  6. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Back around 2009 or so they were big into "asking people about guns" as part of your medical mental health stuff.
    Then when nearly no one in the military admitted to owning guns they gave up on that.
    SB21 likes this.
  7. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Conversation at work a few months back:
    Idiot Liberal: "If they would get rid of those prepper nuts we wouldn't have a gun problem"
    Stupid Liberal: "They took 'em off TV. I figured they were all gone"
    Idiot Liberal: " There are some left or we wouldn't have these problems with people shooting up stuff. The government should just ban all the guns and be done with it."

    This was between two nurses in the ER, overheard while I was working on the radio system. I hear a lot of this drivel during the day, and 90% is from the 30 and under crowd. Gun ownership is slowly being bred out of our culture, kinda like smoking. If not attacks on mental instability, then surely something else, like having false teeth makes one more prone to gun violence, or those with brown hair and blue eyes are more likely to use a gun in a crime. The flavor of the month now is people under 21 owning guns is bad. Next week who knows?
    SB21 and Brokor like this.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    A lot of people can't see where this is going and instead only see what they think exists now and try to apply their beliefs on what they perceive to be real. Nothing is "real" these days, it's a new age where just about anything can be created and displayed for people to digest and download. For Pete's sake, the last half dozen Presidents or so have all been blatantly treasonous and one of them (Clinton) leaves a trail of corpses in his wake, and we're not even getting into the wifey yet.

    I've posted about the pharmaceutical industry before, and it would do you well to understand this isn't simply something you can ignore by refusing to tell your doctor if you own guns or not. Within another generation, a person who isn't being prescribed some kind of "medicine" will be a rarity, and the consequences are only just starting to make their way to the surface. If you think a shooting or two every month is bad, just wait a few years. If you think your employer isn't doing anything or your doctor is powerless against your deceptions, just wait a few years. Folks, we're not just battling a hoard of unstable Liberals, we're fighting for our very right to exist freely and we are facing an enemy who knows you better than you know yourselves. Every action you believe you can take to "beat" them, every plot and scheme or contingency has already long been prepared for.

    The terrible part is, we are our own worst enemy. We, the People are divided, not united. We, the People have predominantly become complacent and dependent upon the system to survive. We, the People do not effectively communicate, nor do we have any substantial means to share information with a plethora of disinformation and confirmation bias attached. On top of all this, we, the People are gradually moving toward a wireless means to access the internet, avoiding the ability to actually affect or control (hack/access) critical information freely. The only websites you can access via "smart phone" may very well end up being NSA data mining sites like Facebook, or other social media to track, trace, monitor, and record you with apps designed to set off alarms. And guess what? The people who still use computers will dwindle in numbers, and the net neutrality cause will end. You will see more governmental control over the internet, and whether it's through ignorance of the people or subversion by "cyber terror attacks", the noose will tighten until it closes. A people who cannot communicate cannot organize, and without these, the corporate oligarchy can extend freely wherever it wishes without being contested.

    "Not my guns! I'm not crazy! I will die fighting! You will pay!"

    Sure. Nobody will be listening, dude.
    Dont likes this.
  9. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    It sounds like November 8, 2008 up in here.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The 5 day war between Russia and Georgia?
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