greatest generation hero

Discussion in 'Politics' started by johnbb, Sep 21, 2024.

  1. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Battle of Okinawa Veteran Celebrates 100th Birthday

    Alfon Larson

    Wounded three times last member of K company. Mean while the Air Force is going WOKE specifically recruiting minorities. You better learn Mandarin God help us if China makes a move
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
    Tempstar, Brokor, techsar and 2 others like this.
  2. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I don't have a problem with racial minorities. I served with tons of great men who were black or Hispanic.

    Woke anti-morality, poor work ethics, and general candyass-ism are what freak me out.
    Minuteman and johnbb like this.
  3. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Don't have a problem either however when standards are lowered I do have a problem and that is what is happening.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Had a friend that has passed that was in Army supply and was on the beach for several invasions, including Okinawa and it was his job to take things from ship to beach and break it down and issue it. When they dropped the atomic bomb, he was preparing for the invasion of Japan. Said the those two bombs probably saved his life and that Truman having the guts to use them was one of greatest decisions ever made. He said the islands were deadly, but short. Okinawa showed that they would fight to the last man and it was not short, 3months and over 12,000 dead Americans. He was not looking forward to the invasion of Japan and in his mind, without the bombs it would have happened.
    Zimmy, Tempstar and johnbb like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I just watched an amazing documentary about Okinawa...82 days of's a few stats (below). To me, there is no question about whether using the bomb was the right thing to do. (Note: I believe the 240,000 number includes Japanese military and conscripted Okinawan defenders (110,000) and the dead Okinawan civilians which the true number is unknown)

    "When the guns fell silent, more than 240,000 people had lost their lives in the campaign for Okinawa. The American loss rate was 35 percent of the force, totaling 49,151 casualties. Of those, 12,520 were killed or missing and 36,631 were wounded in action. The XXIV Corps suffered 4,412 killed in action and 17,689 wounded. Non-battle casualties for the Army totaled 15,613, including those who reached their breaking point from combat fatigue. The Marines of the III Amphibious Corps counted 16,507 battle casualties, with 2,779 of those killed and 13,609 wounded. Like the Army, their 10,598 non-battle casualties in part reflected the psychological stress of combat..."
    "The Tenth Army’s heaviest losses occurred between April 19-22, when the XXIV Corps suffered 2,851 casualties in the terrible fight to punch through the outer defenses of the Shuri Line. The heroism of US Navy personnel who endured persistent and merciless kamikaze attacks offshore is reflected in 4,907 sailors killed and 4,824 wounded, with 368 ships damaged in addition to the 36 ships sunk. The fight in the air was equally dangerous, as the Americans lost 763 planes in the three-month operation, including in bombing raids against the airfields launching kamikaze attacks."
    duane, Zimmy and johnbb like this.
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