Google sucks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Big Ron, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    Google sent me a message that they will no longer update my Chromebook. They advised me to get a newer one. WTF? What would a newer computer have that this one doesn't? A new computer with a different operating system is in order. I didn't like windows 10 with all the touching the screen crap. I spent years telling my kids to not touch the screen. I guess Linux based is what I will go with.
  2. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Monkey+++

    They dont support or update the system at EOL for these. You can, however, get Linux to run on Chromebooks.

    That said, your computer will still be usable... just that it will no longer receive security and platform updates/patches.
    Bandit99 likes this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Big Ron
    I don't know the particulars but would guess that the cost of maintaining an Operating System for an older hardware architecture simply doesn't pass the financial logic test. The problem can be made worse by trying to develop a new operating system for new hardware architecture while at the same time ensuring it supports the old hardware - sometimes this is extremely difficult (and most times owners of old or new systems are not please) or impossible, if the latter that means they must maintain two separate operating systems which is costly especially considering there is no new revenue coming in for the old. So...

    So, to answer your question, "What would a newer computer have that this one doesn't?"
    Maybe a lot, we simply don't know until release but it certainly won't have less. They are constantly developing better/faster data paths, better microprocessors which might need a new type of socket, better power efficiency...

    One finally word, I recently purchased an old 1999 New Holland Skid Steer. One of the things I do when purchasing used equipment, no matter what, is a simply oil change. It takes 10W30 diesel oil (api CF). Do you know I couldn't find any! Why? The industry has moved onwards and now have better/improved oils. This is the same with almost all technology no matter what disciplines they are used for.
  4. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Monkey+++

    Engineered obsolescence.
  5. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    ya could replace it with a computer from Lucy which will have guaranteed updates fer at least 5 to 10 years

    if the chromebook is not too locked down Lucy might be able to Linux it fer ya but that is not guaranteed
  6. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    This is the least worrisome thing about Google I've encountered in the last few years.I don't trust anything about any of their products or services. The only thing I do use is Google Earth and have a GMail account I don't use but am forced to have. They are not your friend and I bet if you looked in the EULA for your Chromebook you would be shocked at what you are agreeing to in regards to privacy and the use of every key stroke.

    I'd see if I could run Linux off a thumb drive and compare it to Chrome. If you like it then make the switch, otherwise accept Google's control.
    Tempstar and sec_monkey like this.
  7. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    I had a similar conversation with my parents, who insist on clinging to Windows 7. I fully understand why they don't want Windows 10 (does anyone?), but technology has moved on and Microsoft will not in perpetuity prop up everything they've made since DOS.

    Newer, better stuff comes out all the time and the cost of supporting legacy systems and products gets harder and harder to justify. This is why your local Ford dealer won't fix your 1992 Taurus.

    I am an electronics technician for a large telecomm and they too insist on keeping a lot of old crap around...some of it is 1980s and older technology. Those of you familiar with D4, D5, SLC carrier systems or any of the xESS switches ( @BTPost comes to mind) feel my pain.

    None of us were ever properly trained on this stuff, and all the old buzzards who really know it are long retired. So we have to BS our way through it and even when we can figure out what's wrong, it's pure hell getting spare parts.

    The same goes for Western Electric stuff. W.E. morphed into Lucent. Lucent was bought by Alcatel. Alcatel was bought by Nokia. And Nokia truly doesn't want anything to do with anything that existed before they took over. They are honoring preexisting contracts and after that we're on our own.

    The frustration with "planned obsolescence" is not lost on me, but understand that it's a two way street. Stuff gets old and cost prohibitive to maintain. It's just the way it is.
    Ganado, GrayGhost, sec_monkey and 3 others like this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes, there is some truth in "planned obsolescence", of that I am sure; however, not so much when it come to electronics technology, specifically computer related electronics which damn near everything has a computer in it now. The industry moves so fast that it doesn't have to have 'planned obsolescence.' It moves so fast that it is hard to stay current and even informed... Thankfully, I no longer have to.

    @Tevin I feel your pain - well - I use to. LOL! I cannot count how many times I have had the spurs stuck to me to fix something and keep it running without the even the necessary books or diagrams never mine training.
  9. sourdough145

    sourdough145 Holder of the M1 thumb award...

    I miss the old PBXs... Omni, Rolm series 8000, 9000, and the great 9751s. Gave way to the server based VOIP exchanges.... Old Lenkurt 46a still one of my favorites... ADNX, Daniel systems ND4A and big box DS3 fiber units.... All replaced with 4 rack space boxes that do even more than before... Still remember microwave units with the old lighthouse tubes. Replaced them with Starpoint radios then replaced them with various digital radios that couldn't cut the mustard at analog distances. Swinging new 10ft dishes at 100ft HAAT with people who had no clue as to rigging a load so it won't flop over. Hurts to remember... God I feel old.....
    Bandit99, Tevin and sec_monkey like this.
  10. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Computers used to be extremely expensive. Now they are dirt cheap.
    My first laptop cost me 5500. Now I can buy a low end 'laptop' for way less than a tenth of that cost and it will do all I need it to.

    I hung on to that first laptop until way after it was obsolete because I had so much invested into it, to the point that the old laptop was actually a hindrance on my output. Now laptops after a couple of years get wiped and passed on to others that don't have one. Or wind up as targets because the electronics inside are failing due to faulty design or materials.

    either way, they are consumables like carbide cutting tools or drill bits. Someone will have a new one that works better than the old one anyway.
  11. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    true, but some are trash :( :(
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I am thinking of spending a bit of cash to refresh my old laptop but the problem is (and many can relate) the cost to refresh might be better spent towards a new laptop. For example, the maximum RAM my little netbook is suppose to take is 4Gb but recently I found out that if you have a 64-Bit OS then it would recognize 8Gb. Is it faster? Nope! It’s a CPU/GPU speed issue and probably the data path as well. But, the extra RAM does reduce virtual memory swapping but I would bet I won't see much a speed increase so... The cost to upgrade by putting in 8GB memory stick and a 250GB SSD is ~$100. Is that worth it? Not really, as it is seldom used and it will do whatever I need to do now so why throw the money away?
    sec_monkey likes this.
  13. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    it depends .. .. some have gone way down in build quality .. .. and many newer ones are not upgradable

    some are still reasonable .. .. but overall quality is down
    Ganado and 3M-TA3 like this.
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    When purchasing a computer one really needs to know what they want to do with it.
    Gaming? don't get a laptop. (desktop is better bang for the buck)

    searching web, email, participating on a forum? you can get away with just about the cheapest model laptop/chromebook out there.

    most other uses (besides those below) you can get way with a sub-500-700 dollar laptop. Just get one with the best video card and most memory.

    Unless you are doing video editing, sound mastering, serious machine learning, software development or realtime processing, you really don't need a 4 or 8 core multi processor machine.

    Kids going off to college and not going into engineering do not need a 2500+ USD machine. 2 of mine have headed off with a 400 dollar laptop, dual core and 8GB of ram. Heck, we have a really old 1GB chrome book floating around the house that we use for streaming Netflix.
    sec_monkey and Motomom34 like this.
  15. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    Maybe putting Linux in my Chromebook would work. Sometimes newer stuff is better. Sometimes old things that keep working with no problems are best. I am fine with my 3G phone also was told I need to upgrade to 5g in a few months.
  16. aardbewoner

    aardbewoner judge a human on how he act,not on look and talk.

    @Big Ron putting linux on it is a great idea,with a not to heavy desktop manager you can use many "old" computers that run faster as some new ones. Besides you do not need a faster computer to type a note :)
    For internet use is the problem that most sites put in so much crap like third party java scripts that are downloaded from that sites and the browser wait till its all loaded! And most is advertising and spy crap.
  17. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I'm about to do this myself to a tablet. I've found a lot of tutorials on the web about how and what hardware doesn't break doing it. I'm about as software illiterate as anyone can get so for most it wouldn't be any step. And don't forget that the tree has A LOT of very savvy dudes and dudettes that have always stepped in to keep me from screwing up when I REMEMBERED to ask. [winkthumb]
    SB21 likes this.
  18. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I havent looked yet but read something about using an app. that gives you Linux. I think all the antivirus stuff has a backdoor built-in for the maker. Most likely the Gov. also. I havent had any real problems with my Chromebook except for automatic updates that wipe out stuff you didn't back up. I wonder about how long this site and many like it will be online. People who want control everyone will use the access to your computer and life to scrub things like they want things to be. YouTube is doing that right now. You have to be careful what you say or you're site is gone. Many videos about shooting or hunting are gone. The future should be interesting if anything.
    oldawg likes this.
  19. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    As long as the screen is bright I usually use a laptop until the CPU or mobo fails. My current one (An ancient A10 based Lenovo 585) is on it's third keyboard and about to get a 4th. As long as you don't do gaming you really don't need a lot of grunt. 16 GB RAM and a cost effective SSD (I store files on a NAS) and I can run anything I want (including CAD) on all flavors of Windwoes but currently Linux.

    Linux turned the slight delays from Win 10 to instant as in the moent you press the key or click the mouse. I'll run it until the screen goes or I can no longer find replacements for what I wear out, no reason to do anything else. I a thinking (sigh) about going back to Windwoes so I can run my CAD and other engineering software directly.
  20. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    to piggy back on what @VisuTrac said.... know what you are using it for.... travel, i have a cheap laptop that has dual boot from stick, with generic crap on windows so it looks like i work on it. thru windows. That way if the laptop gets taken i dont worry about it..... have i mentioned i hate airport security and think its nonsense?

    If you use your computer at home and dont' game you can get by with some basic hardware but if you need real computing for graphics then you need something more robust.

    its like anything, know what you are using your computer for.... the base buying decisions on the end use and your exit strategy.

    Google started out great, open resources and then they got greedy about monetizing so they have tripped themselves up from a business perspective and became too controlling.
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