Giving Credit Where it is due.

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Thunder5Ranch, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    ""Ill give credit where credit is due and this guy deserves a serious ATTA BOY! We recieved a call of a vehicle in flood water at the viaduct in Mcleansboro. When we arrived to a car almost completely submerged in the water. Mcleansboro Police Officer Corey Waide did not hesitate. Officer Waide ran into neck deep flood water to rescue the stranded motorist who had climbed out of the vehicle. The stranded motorist climbed onto Officer Waide's back and with the help of a flotation device was able to be moved to dry land.
    Kudos Corey you are awesome!"' The Town Police Chief.

    We have very small town Police force and a even Smaller Sheriff Department. But all of them are top notch folks. We have been hammered here for 48 hours straight with one storm after another with each storm dumping more water than the last. Yes the City street department should have had the barricades up blocking the viaduct but they didn't and if you are not from around here you would not suspect that the water in it or the on 10 miles West of town on the state highway can get up to 10 feet of water pooled in the when the pumps can't keep up with the deluges we sometimes get. The one West of town is known locally as the "Pit Of Death".

    Corey....... He is a the best of the best both as an officer and a human being! They leave out that in that viaduct the is a big pump under the drain that makes one heck of a current and suction that could easily sucked Corey down and held him against the drain opening. So it was not like he just waded into a extra deep mud puddle to rescue the stranded person. He literally knowingly put his life on the line without hesitation to wade in there to rescue the stranded person. He is just the kind of guy that if he saw someone was going to shoot you in the back he would step in and take the bullet for you.

    We all have these local just normal guys and gals that turn into super heroes and go above and beyond to help and save others, without a second thought about themselves. Who is your local super hero that is just a normal person until the need for a hero arises?

    Dark Wolf, crowdaddy, oldawg and 10 others like this.
  2. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    These guys do not get the praise they deserve. I'm glad to hear everyone made it to safety.
  3. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Your lucky to have such a Gent and officer !!
    Thunder5Ranch likes this.
  4. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    I forgot to mention he was just hired on 2 weeks ago and is still a Trainee. Believe I heard the County Population dropped to under 7,000 in the last census, so everyone pretty much knows or at least knows of everyone else LOL. I have met him a couple of times in town and we talked a bit (before he was hired) Good Kid, Great Service Record and all about the community and his family. Very refreshing to see someone his age with strong good qualities. And he really wanted to be a COP for all of the right reasons. Was glad to see in the last City Council Meeting that he got that opportunity. Would have preferred that he became a Sheriff Deputy, we really could use 1 or 2 more out in the County. Here just ain't a bad County to live in, almost no crime, the bulk of the population lives in Mcleansboro or one of the 4 other towns/villages. It is not a Left Leaner Friendly County. We don't have the meth problem that many of the other Counties have. Gets kind of squirrely at times being in .2% population of American Indians LOL but most that hate us leave us alone and we don't scalp them with rusty butter knives :) Most of the crime problems originate in the public housing and the biggest disputes are between the baptist and catholics. Out in the county it gets real rural real fast most of the County Roads are dirt or gravel or Dirt, then gravel then dirt again hehe and half of them don't even get the light grey line on a map. One murder in the last 45 years and that was a out of county guy that decided to put a bullet in his girlfriends head a couple years back. IF I had ever wanted to be a COP it would have been somewhere like here that I would have chose. As a general rule everyone may not like everyone else but everyone mostly respects the rule of my rights end where yours begin and your begin where mine end. Hell we don't even have a County or City Jail, If someone needs locked up they go on a road trip 50 or so miles east. The ONE Major malfunction with here is that it is in the State of Illinois.
    Dark Wolf and crowdaddy like this.
  5. crowdaddy

    crowdaddy Monkey++

    Hello T5R, I think I am your neighbor. East end Jefferson county, out in the country, several miles North of Bluford. Howdy...
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