Geo-caching = Survival caching?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by natshare, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Saw this Kindle book being offered for free, today, at Amazon....and it got me to thinking (always dangerous!).

    Geo-caching is a hobby started by enthusiasts, who will use a combination of GPS coordinates and visual clues, to steer others toward a cache of "treasures" (usually knickknacks or something fun to find), who are then supposed to add something (or trade for what's in there), and update the geo-cache with the fact that they found it, and added to or traded for what was in there, after hiding it back in the same location.

    Sort of the same skill set you're probably going to want to have (without sharing the location of course! LOL), to cache survival items you might need, in case you need to bug out.

    I haven't had a chance to read the book yet (since I just got it myself), but thought I'd drop the link here, in case anyone else wants to check it out. No idea how long the free price will last, so if anyone missed out on that, and still wants it, PM me, and I'll try to convert it to something you can utilize.

    Also, for those not in the know, you can download and install any number of free programs for your PC, or apps for your smart phone or tablet, to read Kindle books. Geocaching: A Geocaching Guide for Newbies in 2016 eBook: Leo Doran: Kindle Store
    kellory and Motomom34 like this.
  2. Oltymer

    Oltymer Monkey++

    Map, compass, and landmarks are good, GPS is bad...
    Tully Mars and ghrit like this.
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    My kids have tried geo-caching. Lots of people do it. Some of the stuff gets stolen or destroyed. It is a modern techno treasure hunt IMO. The one I had a huge issue with was the cache that was left in the National cemetery. I believe people should be going thee to pay their respects, not hunting treasure.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  4. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Very true, @Oltymer! But the idea of caching, or geo-caching, can with with map, compass and landmarks. In fact, I'm sure there was probably something similar, long before personal GPS equipment was available. The basic premise should still be sound, regardless of which method you use to get there.
    Tully Mars, kellory and ghrit like this.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Along with the geocaching folks, hams do it with tiny transmitters hidden by a ham in the know, and the rest of the gang go looking with some kind of receiver. There is often a reward for the successful finders. Usually a time limit and a post earch meeting at a local watering hole.

    Seems like I remember some scout sport, might have been "orienteering" that made good use of maps, compasses, and some navigational knowledge. Good fun on camping trips.
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    We did geocashing for quite a few years with the kids. Most of the prizes are very small trinkets, or coins, tokens, ect but some have cash prizes for the first to find. Some require a boat to access, and the cemeteries have to hive permission for a cashe to be posted. (Any found without permission, are removed physically and from the database, and the poster will get barred from posting or downloading again.
    Compass and steps and paces work just fine, and there are some that can only be found with a GPS. There are also GPS location sites that the satellites use. (Special ingraved markers)that are rather interesting.
    There are a great number of cashes and in just about every park, or shopping mall. Even restaurants participate ,and allow special cashes with coupons or prizes.
    Each cashe should have a notepad, a stamp, and stamp pad, and some sort of trinket to collect. You stamp thier pad, and use thier stamp on your collection book. And keep notes for a keep sake. We still have our kit, though the kids lost interest about the time of the other sex and cars, and such.
    natshare likes this.
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