Genesis Chapter 10 might change your mind.....

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by mtnrider, Jan 2, 2025.

  1. mtnrider

    mtnrider Monkey

    Change your mind from what????? From what you were taught by your JH and HS Science teachers.

    Studied more of the Book of Genesis this morning. I have read the book dozens of times and I never realized what Chapter 10 was really saying....

    You all have heard of Pangea, right? It is the scientific theory that the land masses on the planet were all one continent, back millions of years ago and because of continental drift, they separated.


    Read Ch. 10 with Pangea and Continental Drift in mind. It'll blow you away and explain so much of what we see today of different people's, Tribe's and Tongues around the planet.

    vs.5 "... the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands," vs.25 "... the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided," vs. 32 " these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.."

    Follow me here. Nimrod was the evil one that ruled and built the Towel of Babel. It was because of this, that God created multiple languages among all humans. Three generations from Noah, languages were confused. Five generations from Noah, "the Earth divided."

    Here's what I now believe..... Tribes of different languages were spread all over Pangea and then something like a massive earthquake, split it into continents and people were spread all over the planet.

    It wasn't some stupid land bridge from Russia to Alaska, 50,000 years ago, where people came to the America's..... Genesis Ch. 10 explains it all.

    I also believe all the mountains on the planet are young.... I think they were all created during the life of Peleg. Did you know that Mt. Everest at 29,035 feet tall has current ocean fish fossils???

    What do you think?

    PS. For over a decade I was a High School Science Teacher. I taught Biology, Chemistry, Geology and Earth Science. I do know and understand this topic from a Science perspective.
    Tempstar, techsar and Zimmy like this.
  2. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    interesting... which version of the Bible are you using??? that is often helpful when discussion develop... there are so many today... heard the CCP now even has their own approved version...
  3. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Does this not thwart the common Christian belief that the Earth and the time between creation and now was only around 10,000 years?
  4. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    well I requested the version he used when he quoted the Bible...

    I have several version... most refer to coastal tribes rather then isle??? and I saw reference eber having a son named peleg

    (ugh) modern english... would not want the name peleg... lord the teasing n insults...

    as to the earth being divided... the prior and after verses suggest tribes choosing their area or personal lands??? I see no massive earthquake reported???

    please understand I am NOT saying his view or belief is wrong!!! I am saying I read it a bit differently... I can see and have seen other interpretations of scripture...

    the Ethiopian Bible is interesting as well...

    and the book of Enoch was not included due to when and who wrote them...

    anyways... was hoping on a discussion n such...

    as to 10,000 years... IIRC the actually believe is around 6,000???

    and I made reference to the CCP bible because I have now a much better understanding of how they operate...

    they use semi truth I guess you could call it??? distortion, half truths, mislead, misinform, disinformation, and outright lies... divide and keep em arguing over trivial matters...

    makes me look very carefully at the flat earthers... and their claims particularly the ocean and ship view thing... what they use... it's a video... from the net???

    which bring question like... if it's flat I should see both the north star and the southern cross at the same time... when the sun is up here why it it dark elsewhere...

    see many claims that their claims are scientific... yet everywhere I look science says NOPE... so...

    so we need to be on our guard I suppose...
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I really do think it's worth the time to watch this.

  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    The 6000 year idea is based on a medieval monks counting of generations going back to Adam and Eve. But it is a very flawed method and can't be relied on as anything scriptural. Just like the pre trib rapture, it is only a theory, one of many and not a set doctrine.
    There is a theory that I find much more credible. The gap theory suggests that there is a gap between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Basically the two chapters are describing two different events, separated by an unknown amount of time, possible millions or at least tens of thousands of years. Gen 1 describes the creation of the earth and everything in it, including a creature that scribes have, possibly erroneously, called "man". The creatures, male and female, were sent out to populate the earth. After creating the heavens and the earth and the creatures it was all left on its own to grow and prosper.
    Gen 2 is a completely different story, first why tell the creation story again? In Gen 2 God creates a certain place, the garden of Eden, and he puts specific plants and animals in it, then he creates the Adam man. Then a mate for him. And gives them specific instructions to tend the garden. They are not told to go forth and multiply. They didn't have children until after they were expelled from the garden. So it's possible there is a "gap" of millenia between the two creations. So 6000 years back to the second creation, the Adam man, is plausible, but not 6000 years from creation.
    Also this theory solves one of the Bibles biggest mysteries. Where did Cain go to find a wife? There were other "man" creatures in the earth. And the Sons of God (adamites) saw the daughters of "men" and took them as wives.
    I have never read the theory of the parting of the lands. That is interesting. I do subscribe to the young earth theory. Many scientists are now saying that things like mountain ranges could be formed in a much shorter time frame, through plate tectonics. Than the millions of years of the standard model. During these plate shifts, colliding plates could have pushed massive mountain ranges up in decades instead of millinia. Even rising up from sea level to massive heights, ie Mt. Everest.
    People think that science and religion are mutually exclusive.
    But the more we learn the more the two come together. One thing I just recently learned about was a study of the earth's mantle that found massive amounts of water trapped in the rock of the earth's mantle. Enough water to fill all of.our oceans several times over. I immediately remembered the phrasing of the story of the flood where it says that God "opened the fountains of the deep."
    The study of scripture is fascinating and when science confirms it or at least provides plausible explanations for it that is thrilling.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2025
  7. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    I find myself agreeing on many scientific/biblical combinations...

    also interesting I have seen reports of the Arc of the Covenant being found... as wall as Noah's Arc...

    even saw a report about blood being found on the arc... and it was still viable and unique???

    although these reports tend to be buried and ignored by the MSM???

    then there are old reports in old newspapers about giant bones being found in America as well as other places...

    it's someone is trying to rewrite history or ignore what may be very important finds...???
  8. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I don't share this often but this is what I believe God taught me.
    In the beginning the earth spun significantly faster 10X . this throws off the scientific calculations.
    The large animals were only able to exist because the oxygen levels were elevated due to the high rate of speed the earth spun, thus the bigger and taller plant growth were capable of. also the centrifugal force spinning faster reducing gravity, and drove most of the water to the equator thus structures we see under water in the north Atlantic are those of the time before the flood. This also made it possible for animals to collected from around the world. mind you it is likely that the animals collected were infants, not full grown adults.
    God slowed the earth in the event of Noah's flood to what it is today. As evidence, man's life before the flood was several hundred years, and after the flood no more than a 100 years.
    Man (in general) was spoken into existence like the rest living things on earth, however Adam was formed from the dust of the ground. No mate was found for Adam so God made Eve using Adam's rib. No mate was found, implies females existed but none that pleased Adam. Cane found a wife among those God had spoken into existence before Adam.
    The earth had life on it long before Adam, thus God said repopulate.
    And there too is evidence of beings before Adam so pre-Adamic life did exist, Not a part of evolution but the corruption Satan performed on the earth when cast from heaven.
    Minuteman likes this.
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