From Dr Paul 9-4-07

Discussion in 'Politics' started by melbo, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    We've talked recently about the many ways in which Ron Paul continues to gain momentum: Dr. Paul has won or placed highly in numerous straw polls around the country. Last weekend, he spoke at our single-most successful fundraiser of the 2008 campaign. And today, Dr. Paul passed the threshold of 40,000 volunteers signed up on

    Now, in the latest sign of this gaining momentum, Dr. Paul is embarking on a whirlwind West Coast trip that will take him to LA, San Francisco, Seattle, and Salt Lake City from September 12th - 15th. This trip will give supporters their chance to meet, speak, and interact with Dr. Paul in-person. To find out more information and to RSVP online, visit our events' page at

    Spots for most events are filling up fast, so reserve your place at the event of your choice today. And for those of you who do not live on the West Coast, be sure to pass this invitation on to your friends and family who might be interested in attending.

    With the fundraising quarter deadline rapidly approaching (Sept. 30th), please help us achieve our most successful quarter to date by supporting our ongoing efforts with your most generous donation. Donate by clicking here:

    Remember... your support allows Dr. Paul to travel to early primary states in order to keep building momentum all the way to the White House.

    Jonathan Bydlak
    Fundraising Director
    Ron Paul 2008</pre>
  2. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I suppose this is as good a place as any to ask this. I have been talking to friends and such to try to add support for RP and one recently flat out stated what I think a lot of folks are thinking. She stated that she likes RP and agrees he is the best candidate but she wont vote for him because he dosent stand a chance. Due to the media ignoreing him and blatantly covering up his popularity by refuseing to acknowledge him, most people dont think he is even a serious candidate or option. Dose anyone know of a good place to find the straw poll results, hopefuly not from a RP site, where they could be directed to show wat most of us know, that RP is i fact among the frontrunners for this race?

    I also need to start writeing letters to the news editors to complain about their slanted coverage and hope others will do the same to try to make them acurately report on RP.
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