Follow the Pass

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by enloopious, Nov 19, 2021.

  1. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    There is a part of all misdirection called a 'pass' by magicians. This is when they say look at this hand while the other is doing the 'magic'. The large story on MSM is Rittenhouse, Covids, rioting, fear porn, etc. but what are they NOT talking about? What is the BIG thing???

    Answer: CRISPR
    CRISPR - Wikipedia
    CRISPR Therapeutics and ViaCyte, Inc. to Start Clinical Trial of the First Gene-Edited Cell Replacement Therapy for Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes
    FDA approves first trial investigating CRISPR gene editing as HIV cure
    FDA approves first test of CRISPR to correct genetic defect causing sickle cell disease
    CRISPR gene editing in human embryos wreaks chromosomal mayhem

    Jeff Bezos, the humanitarian, is trying to extend everyone's life so they live forever... for a price. Your life, owned by Amazon.
    Jeff Bezos Invests In Anti-Ageing Technology to Extend Human Lifespan - Gistlover

    Zuckerberg is also heavily involved in CRISPR
    In Vivo Forward Genetic Screens by CRISPR for Neurodegeneration Modifiers - Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
    Congress Dunks on Zuck, A New CRISPR Breakthrough, and Neumann Gets a Golden Parachute

    Ray Kurzweil is also heavily involved.
    CRISPR enhancements: improving the ability to delete genes « Kurzweil
    CRISPR in the Covid-19 era: the promise – and peril – of gene editing
    The CRISPR craze: genome editing technologies poised to revolutionize medicine and industry « Kurzweil

    There is a lot of stuff they leave out of the story such as, we are all going to be the test subjects for them to work the bugs out. But also, who will this tech be available to? Because we know its not for the 'useless eaters'. The big question is: should people live forever? What does that look like? You can bet that with no public debate, discourse, or informed consent we will not have the information to make decisions that best affect us all.

    The question of eternal life demands the question of religion. There are so many questions just along those lines and they have been completely skipped.

    One thing is for sure, the amount of questions about this subject would take much too long for them to answer so they just quietly swept them all under the rug and jumped right in. Let us hope that there are no irreversible consequences because the people are out of the discussion and decision making process. I don't know about you but the thought of having them all live forever in the world that my kids and grand kids live in doesn't make me too comfortable.
    Meat, duane, Bandit99 and 1 other person like this.
  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    It just occurred to me the reason why all of these Satan worshippers think they can get away with it. You have to believe in God to believe in Satan. When/if you die you will stand before God. THIS is why they want to live forever. They hope to never stand before God and answer for what they have done. I guess if I had done something HALF as bad as what they are all doing I would never want to see God too. Thats the plan?!?! But here's the thing, even IF you could live forever, you will eventually die. Everyone dies. Even if you could live for billions of years. Something will happen. Crash into a wall. Super nova. Asteroid. You WILL die. There is no getting around that.
    Meat, Ura-Ki and duane like this.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    There is a passage in a certain book that covers some of this. Wonder when they all decide to take the mark and collect in the promise of life eternal? Wonder how it is before Ol'Scratch shows up to collect his price?
    No thank you, I'll live my mortal life and stand proudly before my maker and answer for my deeds, should be a pretty short session!
  4. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    Zero Carbon Jeff looks much different than he used to. He’s been pumped full of something, that’s for sure. In his old days he’d last about 3 seconds with the Meat, I give him 5 now. I’m not the same either.
    SB21 and enloopious like this.
  5. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    If you have land do everything to keep it. If you can get some, buy land. They will assign everyone carbon credits and when you run out of carbon credits for the month you will not be able to buy anything even if you have a million fed coin in your account. You will be forced to buy carbon credits from land owners (like gates) in order for the “privilege” of spending your of income.
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    14 Y/O kid just picked up a big $ prize for gene splicing to get bacteria to produce my blue dye.

    14Y/O - Freshman in High school. Gene splicing. What could go wrong in Iraq, North Korea, etc....
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