Mosby Focus on the 25M Target!

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    The title of this article is something I heard—and later used—a lot, in my early days in the military. It’s something I still use, with my kids, when their appetite to do cool stuff outpaces their level of preparedness and background knowledge.

    “Dad, I want to ride my 15 year old mare and complete the Tevis Cup!” (A 100-mile, 24 hour endurance ride in the mountains outside Susanville, California) is really no difference than the basic training private who insists “I’m going to sniper school!” even before he’s done his Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM) training.

    The gist of “focus on the 25M target” is to focus on the fundamentals, instead of worrying about the cool guy shit. The secret of course is that there is no “cool guy shit.” The cool guys are doing the exact same shit as the cherries, they’re just doing it a whole hell of a lot better.

    What does that mean, in our context?

    Well, it means a lot.

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