False promises from the National "we help vets groups" you know who you are!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HK_User, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Being non political can often mean having your hands tied behind your back But that is the price for being "Non Profit.org".

    Times are a changin' in that world.

    Of late we have been approached by a long term, national group that reached out to us. Low and behold they not only were looking for vets to help they were non political and not controlled by mass media or Gov.org funny faced phony groups that served to say they "helped" vets, but in fact seemed to only be in place to discourage vets by promising something and then never delivering. What a bummer..
    Nice to see something other than Political Paid lackeys making promises.

    The group is USA only and has been around for years doing good works and having open books for your examination. This is not a drinking or party group but a family oriented group with as many ladies as men. A fact I find helpful in our work. I specifically say "Our Work" for the our is usually a spouse that works with their spouse as an interviewer or assistant in preparing VA claims for service connected claims.

    This style team works provides greater use and experience in filling claims and allows the "team" do what they do best. For the interview in filling out claims the skill sets are not limited and much time is saved in being able to serve male and female vets alike.

    Much could be learned by Vet groups if they woke up and realized service connected disabilities is no longer a all male problem.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
    GOG, Oddcaliber and Altoidfishfins like this.
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