Fall has finally fallen, and the growing season is ending soon!

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by natshare, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Didn't bother with any fall crops this year, as the summer crops were still producing like gangbusters, and between work and personal life, I really had no time to even handle them! :rolleyes::(
    We had our last 70+ degree days last week, and are now facing autumn weather. Highs in the 50's, lows in the 40's. Various guesses as to what the winter will bring, but I won't shed a tear if it's another easy one! (y)
    I did get 6 banana pepper plants re-potted for indoor winter growth (figure they'll either bloom or not, but either way, should have a good start on next spring's growth!), along with a grape tomato plant I grew from seeds "harvested" from store bought tomatoes (just can't help myself! :whistle:). Also got my dill plant re-potted (hopefully growing well this winter, for next year's outside growth, too), and hopefully now, my basil plants will STOP trying to go to seed, now that the inside temperature will be below 80 degrees!! :mad::rolleyes:
    The funniest surprise of this autumn has been the Brussels sprouts that I have been half-heartedly growing since this time last year! Didn't get them big enough to go outside last year. Too busy/lazy to put them outside this spring. Kept them in a south facing window, occasionally watered, typically abused much more than any plant deserves....but they kept growing! I went to close up that window today, and what do I see??
    BABY SPROUTS!! Guess it's time to give these plants some love!! :love::love:
    Would be amazed if they grow to a decent size, but I'll keep y'all informed! (y)
    brussels sprouts.
    duane, Kamp Krap, Alanaana and 2 others like this.
  2. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    We got down to 38 last night, getting close to that first frost and the end of the peppers and tomatoes. Going to miss the fresh sliced tomatoes and roasted peppers with the meals until next year.......
    Alanaana, natshare and duane like this.
  3. Alanaana

    Alanaana Monkey+++

    I love that you got baby brussels! What a nice surprise. I didn't do as much gardening this year as I usually do. I concentrated more on land clearing. I did plant a lot of peppers, flowers, and herbs.
    natshare likes this.
  4. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    I've got some banana peppers growing indoors, over the winter. Fighting what I think is spider mites.....but some BT spray, along with some neem oil spray, and I will win this battle! (y)
    Alanaana likes this.
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