FAA outta control!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ura-Ki, Apr 29, 2022.

  1. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    This was going to be a really long thread/rant post, but my blood is boiling, so I'm just going to hit the high lights for now!
    Long story short, buddy got suspended for 60 days for a flying violation that is absolute bullshit. He got popped for doing a couple of low level passes over an area he wanted to land near his home which happens to belong to one of his neighbors! Some other neighbor reported my buddy to the FAA and he got called in and grilled for 5 days instead of a couple hours something like thing should have taken. He challenged the claim and it went to the FAAs court/hearing board, which is a sham to say the least! So, everyone knows in the flying community that this is way over the line, and it's absolutely not a violation of any rules, laws, or ordences yet the FAA is pressing charges and going way beyond their authority on this! What's worse, as case law now, their determination of this effects every single pilot especially us Bush Pilots so, we are all now squarely in the sights of the Draconian FAA!!!

    More details to follow, just as soon as my temper cools!
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    The FAA has a published guide book of landing procedures for off field/off airport landing operations, it's the gold standard all Bush Pilots must have and must know inside and out, it Clearly States that pilots making off airport landings must make a couple of low level, low speed inspection passes! Basically this is to ensure that it's actually safe to land and to operate in a safe manor. It also very clearly states that as long as it's public land and not closer then 500 feet from any structure, home, vehicle, or persons, or livestock, it's perfectly ok and legal! My buddy has a defined non official runway at his home ( same as I and many others) and his neighbor he was going to land at also has a defined non official runway both long established and fully compliant. The FAA has no grounds to act, or to even serve an official warning here, there is no evidence of any violation of any rule including the off airport rules, and yet, here we are! Basically, All pilots in Alaska, and any other state who as a bussiness, habit, practice, or hobby, operate our aircraft off airport are now under the microscope of FAA scrutiny for what is currently legal! That the FAA is defacto reversing it's set polities and rules is way outside the boundaries of their operating authority, as well as almost zero oversight!
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2022
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I got a bunch more, hold onto your hats, it's gonna get ugly!
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Ok, here it all is! Man, i'm even more pissed now!
    I've known Trent for around 7 years or so, and he is the straightest arrow out there, his reputation is above reproach both personally and professionally, which makes this all that much harder to believe!

    Fast forward to around 6:40 sec for the meat and taters!

    Still waiting on Juan Brown to post a video on this, be interesting to hear what he thinks of this!
    Will post his expected video when it drops!
  5. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Administrative rules, in the name of safe guarding the food supply, the EPA, the FDA, etc, now totally control the agriculture and food processing in the USA, the same process is used with the auto industry, the housing industry, etc. Can't let the sheep run loose you know. Looks like they want to take it into the "off grid" flying and boating now as well.

    System is nice, they make the rules, inspect for compliance, enforce the rules, decide if they are fair in their own courts, change the rules at will to mean what "they" want, and then ignore your complaints. The sad part is that it goes as low as home owner associations, zoning boards,etc at the local level all the way up to the UN, EU, and country administrators at the highest level. And the dream of some groups is to make "green" decisions etc for the whole world.
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Personally I think we should abolish the FAA... and the government as well. It is way out of control. This story is a direct result of the people giving away their power. I mean really, they seem to have exceeded their usefulness. Yeah maybe I'm kinda on a rampage today but I grow weary of people complaining about abuses of power when they hold their own key. People think they can fix anything by complying? Wrong. The system is force. They only thing it responds to is force.
    Homer Simpson and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    I don't know squat about flying rules and laws beyond my friend has to do some stuff when he lands his Helo here. It is not just the FAA. Layer after Layer of ever changing regulations and overreach at every level from top to bottom in every agency Seems to me they are making so that us little guys can't play the games because we can't keep up with all the BS and changing the rules mid game or worse just making new rules up out of thin air. If you try to fight everything wrong it will bankrupt with lawyer cost and agency retaliation and then more lawyer fees and then more retaliation. The Government is strangling us with so many hands it is overwhelming.

    ALJs should not even be called judges, they are agency employees that will 99 times out of 100 rule in favor of the agency. The only way to beat the agency in that setting is to appeal it out of the agency and into State or Federal Court and then the first State or Federal Court will usually rule in favor of the agency opening the do for you to go to the appellate court, where you will typically win if you are right. LOL I know this I went through this process and it took 5 1/2 years and $160,000 in Lawyer and Court Cost to beat a State Agency. Appellate Court also ruled I could NOT recover Court Cost and Lawyer Cost from the Agency. Lawyers told me that it was about 90% chance the appellate Judges would rule against cost recovery even though the agency was dead wrong. Federal Court BTW is MUCH more expensive than State Courts! The vast majority of people like it or not accept the ALJ rulings because it cost a fortune and takes years to successfully appeal them. I will say it was almost worth the $160,000 to see one of the appellate judges look at the agency lawyer and ask "Just Exactly how stupid are you? Or better How stupid do you think I am?" But seriously the average person can't pull that kind of money out to fight these bullshit ALJ rulings.
  8. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    There was that youtuber who crashed their plane for views.
    So I bet they are on high alert for anything that might be considered "stunts".
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  9. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Seems all government agencies are transitioning from enforcing rules that keep us safe to authoritarian rule in order to keep us obedient. This is the phase where they are trying to change our nature from that of a Citizen to that of a a subject, and they aren't about to give up the progress they got during Covid. Be very wary of those around you that are still wearing masks to prove a point - they will be the first to turn you in to the authorities. The mask is the 21st Century arm band.
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yes, absolutely, @Ura-Ki... What you posted, is the Truth, for us folks in Bush Alaska... We know the Rules and out in the bush, the FAA doesn't bother us much, unless there is an accident... In the FlatLands, however they are tightening up the Rules due to non-Pilots whining about things they know nothing about... (Low Flying Aircraft over a family's House) It has been coming on for a few years now.... Our Airstrip, is a 3000' gravel road, and is on Borough Land... It is the Pilot's responsibility, and Liability, 100% if he chooses to use it to Land his craft on... The Borough can not be sued, for anything, should there be an incident... That is State Statute, Period... and well understood by all the pilots that choose to use it...
    duane, Ura-Ki, 3M-TA3 and 1 other person like this.
  11. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Geeze... Talk about a bad neighbor, Karen!! I am assuming the person who reported this is a non-pilot. And the FAA has been full of itself, especially the Flight Standards folks, for a long time.
    duane, 3M-TA3 and Ura-Ki like this.
  12. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    I really like watching Trent's vids where he flies in to fish remote areas. Wish he was my neighbor!!

    I cannot see where the FSDO would have much of a case as what they accuse him of is exactly what they instruct pilots to do when landing in remote unmarked landing areas.
    Last edited: May 1, 2022
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  13. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Wouldn't be the first time!

    Back in 2014 they announced new lighting mandates, but didn't give any instructions or specifications, and they gave us two years to comply! After waiting almost a year and no word from them as to what exactly they wanted and what minimums would be acceptable, most of us were starting to get antsy! We started having group meetings to discuss this, and after several more months, kinda sorta figured out what was likely coming. With much advice and wisdom, I installed what we had all kinda figured out for the new lighting, and then submitted my forms to the local inspector who came and inspected everything and then issued a variance. The due date came and went and still no official word from the FAA on what they were mandating but we were told that the compliance date had been moved out another year! Finally, nearly 3 1/2 years in, we finally got the requirements and minimum specifications but no hard and fast ruling in weather of not those of us who had already attempted compliance were in fact compliant! About a year later I got a call from the tower to ground stop and come report to the administration office for a sit-down! This is never something you want to hear, especially from a tower, so I'm thinking Oh Shit, what did I do now???
    Apparently, the west coast inspector was making his rounds and just happened to be there when I was landing and called me in for an out of compliance meeting! I showed him my papers and all that and he said NOPE, your past due on compliance and you have 60 days to bring the plane into compliance or your grounded until then, pending a formal hearing! I went and got the local inspector and he tried to explain it to the regional asshole, who simply waved his hand and made his final judgement! So, 10 days later, I re submitted my request for inspection,y normal dude showed up and said don't bother, your good, have a nice day! Apparently, the asshole was the one that got the big jail term from the Boeing debacle and is doing a major hitch in club fed!
    I had to go before the full review board and demand my record be stricken and my full privlag s returned emiediatly if not sooner! They did as I asked, but drug their knuckles for several weeks before they cleared me!
    Dunerunner, 3M-TA3 and Altoidfishfins like this.
  14. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Power Dick Heads , Been there also , med Helos sitting till you fix YOUR FUVK UP !! , pull the beds/ gurneys and make real money , FO .gov
    Dunerunner, Ura-Ki and 3M-TA3 like this.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Hey @Ura-Ki … Did you ever hear about the FAA Regional Flight Standards Babe, that messed with the “Lemon Creek Approach” to the Juneau International Airport? She was at the Boeing Flight Simulator for the 737-800 Aircraft in Seattle… They were running the first Delta Airline Crews thru the ILS Approaches for Juneau, and being trained by the Chief Pilot for Alaska Airlines… Well the Delta Pilots were having some issues flying that Approach… The runway is in a valley that runs N/S and the runway does also.. There are 2500’ mountains on both sides, about 2 miles apart.. When the winds are out of the north and over 15-20 Kts, the approach calls for a doing a down wing leg, over against the Western edge of the valley at about 1500’ while descending to about 750’ while turning 180 degrees, and lining up on the south end of the runway which will be about 3/4 mile once you complete the turn… after some coaching from the AlaskaAir Chief Pilot, they were doing very well, and getting ready for their Check Rides in real life… Well the FAA Babe decided she needed to approve this approach, even though Alaska Pilots have been flying it for a couple of decades…. So she gets in the Left Seat, with the Chief Pilot flying Right Seat, and proceeded to crash the approach four times in a row… frustrated she demanded they switch seats and she watched the Chief Pilot do four perfect landings in a row… She was very upset, and the next day there was a Notice that the “Lemon Creek” Approach was NOT APPROVED, until further notice… Alaska Airlines went BALLISTIC, and straight to DC, and put all their political capital, on the line, and after some phone calls, and shouting and screaming, the Notice of Provisional Approval was issued from DC, and after some improved Weather and Wind Instrumentation being installed, and a slight change in Weather minimums for that Approach, it was Approved for use again…There has to this day, never been a accident on that approach, and even the Delta Pilots grease that landing every time… Self-Important Bureaucrats can really screw up anything they touch…. All the local Bush Pilots sure got a real laugh out of the whole fiasco, and it is still a topic of conversation, especially with Folks that are Passengers on those 737s riding it for their first time.. (Touristos)
    Dunerunner, 3M-TA3 and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Some of my first Twin engines flights were there doing that exact same approach, piece of cake In a C-127 Spartan, I could prolly grease it in a 737 if I were experienced in that type, it's no joke the first time you actually shoot that approach, mountains all around, very little wiggle room, and a tough go-around, but, it's not all that bad once you actually see it and do it once!

    A really fun one in any kind of plane is the Approach to Vail, it's up on top of a very nasty plateau and there are mountains on all sides, you have to make your initial from 10,000 up and 10 miles out, you can see the valley and the Approach, but you have to drop down into the valley and then make a pretty aggressive left hand turn to final, with a 5 deg glide slope and maintain 400 feet above the runway until after you clear the end and then you gotta drop it in Hard and then stomp on the brakes/ put it in Reverse thrust, AND, there is NO GO AROUND, PERIOD! I shot a night ILS approach in there once, couldn't see anything until the runway lights were on ether side of you and the Vizzie was telling you your glide slope was too high, dropped her right in slicker then snot and then rammed the props to maximum reverse and stood on the brakes for all I was worth, got her stopped at the Charley markers and then back taxied to Alfa to hit the terminal apron! That was a fun one! Iceland was another fun one, long left turn around the fijord, skimming the mountains all the way around nearly 50 feet clearence, nice easy glide slope until the last 1/4 mile in, then you drop like a brick with Max flaps until the strips then haul it back in the flair and plop it on and slam reverse and brakes, otherwise you end up in the drink at the other end of the runway after a 80 drop! Went in there with a VC-50 the first time, not something a rookie should be doing, but I pulled it off like I knew what I was doing! Lol
    Dunerunner and BTPost like this.
  17. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    I watched Trent’s video live when he live streamed it a few days ago. Total bull shit what the FAA did. Many years ago I worked with the FAA quite a bit. I was on an Advanced Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) and got to know several people in Flight Standards and even knew the Director of Airspace when 911 happened. They were all good folks who loved aviation and were all pilots themselves. But they even acknowledged there were a few pricks in the FAA. Like the pricks that busted Bob Hoover who didn’t remotely break any rules. They thought his flying during an airshow seemed a shade off so suspended his license pending a medical review. Grounded for a long time with no solid evidence or reason. If I recall correctly the famous lawyer F. Lee Bailey even represented him pro bono. It was pathetic and a lot of FAA folks were embarrassed by their own agency’s behavior. Probably the same here.
    Quite likely Trent’s biggest crime was having a popular YouTube channel highlighting his back woods flying. Can’t have that, that’s not right.
    He can fight but as we saw with Hoover, the more the bureaucrats are embarrassed the more entrenched in their stance they will become. Probably the best hope is a high level FAA guy who loves bush flying intervenes behind the scene on the FAA side to drive for a resolution that doesn’t set a precedent and allows the FAA to save face. Trent and his lawyers probably had some tough decisions if going public was best or not. Fair chance some other folks like Mike Patey, EAA, AOPA, LAMA, Dan Johnson, etc were consulted before going public.
    I hope this gets resolved in the best interest of GA and Light Sport.

    Ura-Ki and Dunerunner like this.
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