TOR Explore Tor, NYC! Meetup and Q&A On Feb 15

Discussion in 'TOR | TAILS' started by survivalmonkey, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    Explore Tor, NYC! Meetup and Q&A On Feb 15
    steph January 29, 2018

    The Tor community is vast and deep yet remains a virtual entity outside periodic physical events. Last December, we opted to change that. Continuing the thread launched by the Dec 7 meeting, we have another Tor event set for New York City on Thursday, February 15th.

    Instead of looking at any single aspect of the Tor community, this meeting will feature a Q&A with Roger Dingledine and Alison Macrina. Roger, a Tor Co-Founder, and Alison, Community Team Lead, are both central to Tor development, and together they have a crisp picture of the project as a whole. They can often be found answering questions on IRC or conducting presentations for the Tor-curious, and Feb 15th, we’ll have them both live in person in NYC.

    Like the initial meeting, this event will start with an introduction by the speakers, followed up by question-and-answer time. If you're curious about any particular aspect of Tor, this event is for you.

    We're looking forward to an engaging discussion where everyone leaves a little more knowledgeable.

    The event will be held:

    Feb 15, 2018 @ 6:45pm
    NYU's Tandon School of Engineering
    5 Metrotech Center Room LC-400
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    We’ll gather at Circa Brewing Co, 141 Lawrence St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 after the event to continue our dialogue.

    There is no admission fee nor RSVP required for this event. See you there.

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