Emergency backpack.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SurvivalTech, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. SurvivalTech

    SurvivalTech Monkey

    What is in your Emergency backpack\bag?..
    What useful equipment do you have that most people might not, that you think should?

    How much does your pack weigh? and do you think you can carry it for about a mile or two without stopping?

    If you cant then you might want to practice carrying it or get lighter equipment..
    I will carry a hiking backpack, the brand is Upscale. It can fit about 2 ft high items and a foot wide across. It will be a bit to carry around but it will be worth it because I will have the supplies I need in there. It is probably around 20-30 pounds and I do not have trouble with it. It has a waist strap so when you wear it, it distributes the weight instead of right all on your shoulders and back. The strap is formed as a back "Brace" and I like it[winkthumb]
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    If you use the standard of 1/3rd your body weight and keep the pack under this figure, it's a good spot to aim for. Obviously, the lighter a pack is, the easier it will be to carry. If you go over this weight limit, the pack becomes exponentially harder to carry. However, with routine training and practice, a heavier pack can be used with very little drawback. The military (mostly infantry units) implement this practice with a fair amount of success.

    Some of the standards one should keep in mind in order to successfully carry a pack with minimal negative results are as follows: padded shoulder straps, fitted lumbar belt, proper pack size to body and modularization/compartmentalization. If the pack is comfortable and fits properly, it will maintain balance and not cause unnecessary fatigue. If the pack is modular, it can be quickly arranged to suit a wide range of needs. If the pack contents are tightly stored and items inside can be ditched easily, this further adds to a successful setup.

    Try to hike with the pack in a setting which closely resembles an actual application and duration. A smaller backpack isn't always the best route, it's also up to the individual to train and build up a fitness for their pack to be carried.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I have always figured that the amount of stuff you carry in your BOB, is exactly proportional to the distance you have to travel to your Resupply Point, or BOL. Now figure in Brokor's 1/3 Body Weight, Maximum Pack Weight, including Weapons, and all other Goodies, the farther you have to travel the heavier, and MORE Stuff you need. If you only have to go a few miles, then you really don't need much but the basics. HOWEVER, if you have many miles to go, and it would take you DAYS, or even a week or two, then you need more inside the BOB, to facilitate that kind of trip. ..... YMMV.....
  4. Smitty

    Smitty Monkey+

    Being an avid hiker/backpacker, I've carried my pack for very long distances in rough terrain and I promise you'll figure out real quick what's important and what isn't. Not that a hiking trip requires the same gear as a bug out but it does give you an accurate representation of carrying weight over distance and for an extended period of time. I've taken many first timers backpacking and while they can usually keep up on day one, they have usually developed soreness that severely slows them down by day 3 at the latest. So while taking a walk around the neighborhood carrying a pack is better than nothing, if you really want to prepare for a bug out I would recommend taking few days and really putting yourself to the test. 1/3 your body weight isn't very heavy when you are fully rested, fed, and energized but lug it around for three days straight and I bet you ditch more than a few things you thought you needed. About every month or so I pull out my BOB and go through it checking that food and water are still sealed and re-evaluate my supplies. While it is easy for me to know exactly what to pack for a week in the woods hiking, hunting, fishing, and relaxing, planning a bug out is a constant work in progress for me(and I feel it should be).
    Dusty308, Guit_fishN and Brokor like this.
  5. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    The 1/3 of your body weight assumes that you are in good health and physically active... if you arn't and are overweight... you will need to rethink this... if you weigh 300 lbs and try to carry 100lbs you will not go far unless you are mostly muscle...

    Now take into consideration alternate ways and means to carry your bug out bag... wagons, push carts, bicycles... etc you can carry more weight easier but it will take more preplanning and more bug out notice...

  6. SurvivalTech

    SurvivalTech Monkey

    I agree.[applaud]
  7. SurvivalTech

    SurvivalTech Monkey

    Even tho many peoples equipment will be different whats in yours? My backpack has a rain poncho, 2 towels, black tarp, extra pair of socks, hand gloves, work gloves, 3 different kinds of basic string-including paracord, flashlight w/extra batt., water canteen and metal bottle, water purification tabs that treat up to 5 gal., heat blanket, sleeping bag w/blow up pillow lol, fishing line&hooks with sinkers(no bait), First aid box(waterproof), 2 notebooks-one is for any notes but the other is for marking direction and way to found plants that serve as edible or medicinal purposes(3 diff. color sharpies), pocket knife(of course), 2 containers of food to last about 2-3 weeks, shirt, underwear, zippo lighter w/extra butane, a small pan-and metal cookie sheet for cooking, mason jar with about 20-25 cotton balls soaked in tiki torch fuel, compass(with star direction knowledge as well & sun direction+time), working on gun license- the gun I want would be a cheap one of course like a simple 22 pistol or rifle; its better than nothing, and I will have my dogs that I will need to support but will be carrying thier own pack with mainly food in them... Also will be packing foil and plastic wrap, also baggies!!

    What is in yours? What should I maybe add? Or do you think you need any of these?
  8. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    I'd suggest you "camp out" someplace that requires you to travel 20 miles in two days with your rig.

    This should be done in each of the four seasons with the worst weather of each season in the alloted time.

    Stay concealed and do not make contact/get seen by anyone.

    Then figure out what you can discard.

    First to go? Mason Jar.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    That's one hell of a hike, even over flat terrain.
    SurvivalTech and Guit_fishN like this.
  10. Smitty

    Smitty Monkey+

    Hiked the appalachian trail in 2004, I'm done purposefully punishing myself. Still enjoy hiking and backpacking but that was just about torture at many points. Started with a pack weighing 59lbs, ended with one weighing 24lbs....i dropped right at 50lbs as well
  11. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    My E&E pack I keep in my truck don't hold much. Just the minimum. This pack is in my Truck Winter & Summer so has to survive High Heat & Frezing Cold, so no chocolate or other meltable items can be in it!! A dark green 6'x8' tarp in factory package as you can NEVER fold them up as small as they get them. 3 rubber bungee cords. 300 count box of Strike Anywhere matches in a ziploc bag, minus the box. Hatchet, 2 rolls toilet paper in vacuum sealed baggies, 2 pairs of socks. 50' black paracord, 20' fine wire darkened, think they called space blankets or mylar blanket, 2 1 liter bottles of water, 35mm film container full of Purelled Cotton balls, small folding shovel, SingleAction .22LR revolver, 50 rd box of ammo in a vacuum sealed bag w/ desiccant pack, small bottle of ReOil also vacumsealed in a baggie, Pocket folding knife, large fixed blade Buck Knife w/ serrated back edge, 3 tightly folded Contractor Grade Trash Bags, Katryn Hiker model Water Filter, jar of Peanuts, Edible Plants Guide Book, Altoids Tin with a variety of different Over The Counter Medicines Advil, Tums, Benadryl, Tums, etcc...

    Though I am thinking lately my E&E Pack just MIGHT need a lil more updating, few more creature comforts, & that maybe I can find sum edible things that can take the Extreme Heat of Summer & Cold of Winter without ruining but without adding a lot of bulk & weight.
  12. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Things I would add, only a few, salt and pepper, lightweight Goretex top and bottom. 3 ltr Camelbak. Winter I would add the thermals of your choice, hat and gloves. Flashlight.
    SurvivalTech likes this.
  13. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    10 miles a day as a test of his equipment is pretty easy.

    Call it one mile an hour, this still allows 14 hours a day for evasion, a meal and sleep.

    If a bugouter can't do that at their own pace then they better get in shape.

    20 miles a day should not be a problem on trails.
  14. SurvivalTech

    SurvivalTech Monkey

    Lol I know haha but I get the point... But I wont get rid of my mason jar and Wont put the cottonballs in a baggie because a baggie can rip

    Yes about the salt but the pepper is a non-essential to me but the reason I will bring salt/and have it stored away for that time is because with another 2-3 medium sized mason jars that I will bring will be for preserving meat with the salt. Yeah I am going to get some thermals!! You gotta keep warm!!

    [bestpost][bestpost][bestpost][bestpost][bestpost][bestpost][bestpost]Thanks for sharing your personal gear bro, If you update it can you send me a message of the contents so we can compare with each others essentials, Or just post a thread on it? It would be appreciated!!
  15. snowbyrd

    snowbyrd Latet anguis in herba

    300 count box of Strike Anywhere matches in a ziploc bag, minus the box.

    Flame On! Not too wise to carry them like that. Had a bunch flare up in a pocket that also had fire crackers in it, speed drop of 'trou'. Was a youngen then.
  16. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    In my truck I carry a few bags as I have a few roles in my tiny little slice of heaven. I have a first in/trauma bag(s), I have my specific ops bag, and I have my survival bag.
    While I cant/wont go through every item as that will take more time than we want to spend on it....my writing it and you reading it. However, an overview will get my point across.
    First in/trauma bag has airways, BVM's, trauma pads, bandages, slings, kling, splints, assorted medical tools, suction, O2, NRB, NC, saline and sterile water (removed during winter) and on, and on.............
    Specific Ops bag is assorted gear for all kinds of fun stuff like Fire Police, Wildland search team, LZ set up for Med Helo, water rescue, and LEO assistance. I also have assorted tools in the back of the truck like Axes, halligan tool, chains, straps, tarps, porta power, rake, broom, and some hand tools that would be handy.
    Finally I have my truck b.o.b. In there I keep 3 knives, a bulk pack of Bic lighters, magnesium fire starter, Ohio blue tip matches, water in freezable containers, water purification tabs and pump, Ruger 10/22 w/ 2 bricks of ammo, 3 person 4 day supply of compressed food bars, two wool blankets, a civil war style canvas shelter half, a few rolls of paper towels, candles, mess kit, and a few other handy items.
    Of course my truck is also a first response vehicle so a lot of the stuff wont go with me if I have to depart on foot but if we were stranded somewhere for some reason, it would be more like a camping trip than a crisis.
    SurvivalTech likes this.
  17. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    SB, I'm anal in preparing. The zippy bag is what the vacuum sealed bag goes into . Theres no rattling matches. Worse yet, I'm VERY VERY Good with my Vacuum sealer. So it is compartmentalized into 15 compartments each with 20 matches. LoL Every thing possible in my E&E Bag is vacuum sealed to shrink & protect it until needed. Well, except the Peanut jar. Its a glass jar of peanuts with a canning lid & rim on it, & a small oxidizer added for long life. LoL even my Socks are vacuum sealed!!!

    ST, I went thru my E&E Bag this evening and found a few things I forgot was there. A compass, Metal lighter (empty), Small bottle lighter fluid (vacuum sealed to prevent spills), Folding saw, 25 assorted nails (vacuum sealed), 4 packs cigarettes (vacuum sealed), 16 ounce of Life Savers Peppermints I'm addicted t (vacuum sealed) & a dozen paperclips.

    Now ST you have to keep one thing in mind about my E&E pack, Its sole purpose is to GET ME HOME!!! Not to mention I'm never anywhere without having went there in my truck. So it supplements whatever I have on me as well as in my pickup truck. The further away from home I'm going, the more armed I am or have with me, as well as the more I have in my truck. I regularly on half day trips take my work ice chest with me filled with 6-7 various drinks. So make what you will of my E&E pack...
  18. SurvivalTech

    SurvivalTech Monkey

    lol wtf pretty funny
  19. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    <table border="0" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="6" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td style="border: 1px inset currentColor;" class="alt2">Originally Posted by STANGF150 [​IMG]
    LoL even my Socks are vacuum sealed!!
    </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
    "lol wtf pretty funny"

    So, SurvivalTech what is so funny about a man knowing how to secure his gear?

    Sounds as if it's time for you to get off the 'puter and testing what you have.

    I am always "in doubt" of a poster who fishes, on line.
  20. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Theres reasons WHY most every thing in my E&E pack is vacuum sealed. No bugs of any kind can get to it, & no deterioration of anything inside the pack. Hell even the .22 revolver is well oiled & vacuum sealed. An believe me, cleaning the vacuum sealer after THAT was annoying as #$%*!!!

    I should prolly mention, I do NOT believe in Luck. At least not the kind your average sheeple believe in. The kind of Luck I believe in is when you've prepared in advance!

    example: "whew that rabid animal charging across my yard at me sure scared me! How LUCKY that I was carrying a Gun so I could put it down before it got close. Oh wait, I ALWAYS have a Gun On Me!! How Lucky I was Prepared!"
    oldawg likes this.
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