Effects of high UV levels on seeding plants

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by DKR, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Increased UV from ozone depletion sterilizes trees

    Increased UV from ozone depletion sterilizes trees (Feb 2018)

    Interesting article on increased UV irradiation levels the impact on pine trees.

    Modulated increased UV-B radiation affects crop growth and grain yield and quality of maize in the field
    UVB radiation effects on corn (maize)

    UV screens can protect plants
    Light quality characterization under climate screens and shade nets for controlled-environment agriculture
    (free article)
    from the extract::
    Our aim was to elucidate the effects of different patterns, colours, and shading factors, on light quality in production environments. Our measurements reveal that there are large differences both in the fraction of global irradiance attenuated and spectral ratios received under materials that are otherwise superficially similar in terms of their appearance and texture. We suggest that the type of spectral characterization that we performed is required to fully interpret the results of research examining plant responses to different types of screen and net. These data on spectral irradiance would benefit material manufacturers, researchers, growers, and horticultural consultants, enabling material selection to better match the solutions sought by growers and their desired outcomes regarding plant performance.

    From the greenhouse industry in Israel (oh vey)
    Innovative Technology used in Nets for Crop Protection
    We found that vegetable crops are protected from insect pests and virus diseases when grown in ‘walk-in’ tunnels covered with UV-absorbing polyethylene films. These covers act as filters eliminating the UV part of the light spectrum between 280 and 380 nm. This filtration effect led to a significant reduction in the infestation of crops grown under these covers from a wide range of insect pests including aphids, whiteflies, thrips and leafminers. (focus is on tomato plants)

    For fun, how much land do you really need to feed yourself (one person) ?
    One Acre Feeds a Person
    a well writtren article on food production.

    Enjoy a change of pace from all the gloom and doom....
    3M-TA3, arleigh and Dunerunner like this.
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    blast from the past

    NASA - UV Exposure Has Increased Over the Last 30 Years, but Stabilized Since the Mid-1990s
    UV Exposure Has Increased Over the Last 30 Years, but Stabilized Since the Mid-1990s

    Why is this a thing?
    Cause I live 'way up here'
    The amount of UV radiation to the Arctic is increasing
    The amount of UV radiation to the Arctic is increasing

    and then there is this
    What is the impact of Volcanic ash on the ozone layer?
    How do volcanoes affect stratospheric ozone?

    Fun fact - Alaskan volcanoes have produced one or two eruptions per year since 1900. At least 20 catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions have occurred in the past 10,000 years; the awesome eruption of 1912 at Novarupta in what is now Katmai National Park and Preserve is the most recent.

    Merely annoying eruptions happen almost monthly.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Sensitivity of Rice to Ultraviolet-B Radiation
    These findings open up the possibility, in the near future, of increasing the resistance of rice to UVB radiation, by selective breeding or bioengineering of the genes encoding CPD photolyase.

    from 2006. I couldn't find any follow-up testing, research or on-going efforts to breed highly resistant UV plants. Will continue to dig
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