DW Garden 2022

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by ditch witch, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    As I recall I did a 2021 thread for my garden, it got one pic of seedlings, and I never returned. :D

    Garden this year is massively downsized so I can spend this year eradicating the bermuda grass, carpet vine, and careless weeds that infest the big in ground garden. Using tarps I got free at lumber yard to smother them. Look in their dumpsters for these huge tarps that cover lumber while it's transported on the trains. They throw them away after they unwrap the lumber. Almost everything is either in bathtubs, pickle buckets, or cattle mineral tubs, except for one raised bed I've managed to keep the crap out of for years. All the containers have water reservoirs at the bottom and PVC pipe sticking up to fill... except for a few where I'm trying out ollas to see how they work.

    SO... the red buckets are all assorted peppers. Poblano, Ardjavukacantspellit, Jimmy Nardello, Marisol (for Guajillo chilis), Cali Wonder Bell. The bathtub that's buried in there has some mixed peppers, a watermelon (either Desert King or Black Diamond), and a bunch of wild purslane. On the end is a huge tomatillo bush. The half IBC tote is being set up for raspberries to be planted this fall.
    Here's the other side, bathtub barely visible, heh. There's a watermelon on that vine down on the ground, yay!

    Another container garden. This one has peppers, canteloupe, watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, and pie pumpkins. I was going to get a cattle panel and make an arch trellis for the pumpkins but never did. Now they're going into the Mr's precious grass and he ain't happy. I hates the bermuda so I just smirk and let it ramble. I'm using feed sacks to smother it for this patch. Those silver bags are used coffee grounds from Starschmucks.

    Cherry tomatoes in the buckets, the cages are wired to my grapevine trellis. Lost some of the vines, IDK why. That's a cold frame behind all that with wicking beds that been waiting to be finished out for a year.

    Zucchini in front, Roma tomatoes behind, and there's some onions in between that the tops just fell over on. Also some basil.

    Strawberries. I love bathtubs for planters.

    Peppers! Jimmy Nardellos in the first, a mix of Poblano, Cali Wonder, and Chinese Giant in the middle, and all Jalapenos in the third. Also a fine crop of weeds on the ground.

    I have sweet potatoes in a lot of these tubs. Will see how they turn out but so far they seem happy.

    This bed is by the back porch. The bucket is some sweet pickle pepper that's not what I expected, w with some bunching green onions. The bed has sage, rosemary, lemongrass, and comfrey, along with some flowers.

    Fertilizer for all this provided by the rabbits. I sold out a few years ago, then came back. I only have Tamuks now, and really like them. I fill a bucket with their turds, then add water. Soak in the sun a few days then put the sludge around the plants. Smells worse than a homeless man's butt rag but the plants love it. Think I will get 4-5 buckets marinating today so I can pour them around the shrubs next to my douchebag neighbor's house. :whistle:

    These little turds got out of their yard pen and are great at going where I can't get to them, but they're in the weed patch and can't get to the gardens so I don't mind for now. They're headed to freezer camp soon enough.
    20220619_100840 (1).
  2. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Great garden(s) and an excellent post DW!!!
  3. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    So lucky to be able to have an outside garden. Temps here haven't gotten above 61 with overnight lows in the 40's and rain. Had I not put up a polly tunnel this year, I wouldn't have any garden at all.

    Your down sized garden makes mine look puny in comparison... [applaud][applaud][applaud]
    SB21, ditch witch, sec_monkey and 2 others like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Your Lucky! We haven't had any spring here so far, and summer ain't lookin likely, at least what we normally get for a summer! Too cold and way too wet, the berries love it, nothing else does!
  5. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I've been lucky times ten. In the last 3 months we've ping ponged from 38F all the way up to 108F down to 58F then to 105F, had hail in pea, golf ball, and baseball size, and repeated days of winds up to 65 mph. Haven't lost a single plant. Not really even had any damage to any of it. The 108F day killed a rabbit but other than that...
  6. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Nice garden! Found you some rubber boots for the mud work
  7. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I'm not even home long enough to have a garden,, I wanted one ,, but it's just not to be ,,, this year .
    Dunerunner likes this.
  8. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I've got lots of hot peppers, tomatoes, green beans, cowpeas, okra, greens, potatoes, and sunflowers. Planning to plant collards, turnip greens, mustard, kale, and maybe potatoes this fall/winter.
    Dunerunner and Tully Mars like this.
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