Dats da brakes.

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Big Ron, Aug 10, 2024.

  1. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    I have a 92 f-250 and the brakes seemed okay but I thought the right from was hanging up once in a while, like the slider pins need greasing. When I finally did the brakes, the problem was that the driver-side pads were kind of shot, especially on the inside, funny the cut in the middle makes it look like you could still go awhile so the passenger front was grabbing and probably the only one working. Interesting is that it had pins that you drive out, first time seeing this. I was expecting two bolts and sliders that you clean up and lube with special grease(a complex subject with many opinions) There are no metal tabs to warn you of about padware. I was blissfully ignorant about my brakes. At least the rotors were okay and now I know my brakes are good. I got to things in time. Saving money doing things for yourself is good. The brakes should be good for a long while.
    GOG, natshare, Zimmy and 7 others like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Have had Ford F350. F150. and F250 now as snow plow. bug out truck. Drive about 1,000 or so miles a year to dump and plowing. All have had brakes freeze up. slide or calipher. Been a problem with them and low mileage since at least 1980's. Often get 3 to 4 thousand miles on a set of caliphers. Built garage and that helps. If you are going to have a bug out truck, you need, at least in NH, a garage or a car port with a cement floor or it will rust out or freeze up. Rust forms, on sliding part, pressure of brake causes it to move, but rust prevents retracting. Either over heats or rapidly wears out. Get in habit of feeling wheels for heat when you don't drive the truck but 10 miles once a week. If hot, frozen or dragging and it has to be fixed.. Least considered part of survival. Storage, if it has rusted out, broken down, etc, then having it isn't any help. Dry, cool. moisture free, etc. storage is just as important as having it in first place. That and security, caching at bug out location, are really important. Does no good if you do have it and is no good, or if some one else has control of it.
    CraftyMofo likes this.
  3. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    I've got an 03 F250 ,, if you had to hit the brakes quick ,, it would jerk to one side ,, finally got around to fixing it ,, on 1 side the guide pins were rusted , and only 1 bad was engaging with the rotor ,, I replaced both calipers ,, problem solved .

    Now my 06 F250 had a slight pull to the right after doing brake pads and wheel bearings . Had it aligned ,, new tires ,, and still a slight pull to the right ,,both tires spun freely , and no distinct wobble from loose wheel bearings.
    Got up to head to work one morning,, went to hit the brakes backing out the driveway,, stupid hard pedal,,, replaced the brake booster ,, and bleeding and flushing the entire brake system,, haven't got it all back together yet,, hopefully will this week,,, I'm hoping this will finally fix the pull in the front end .
    duane likes this.
  4. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I'm a Chevy Man but a '91 F-250 was easily the best truck I ever owned. I loved that truck almost as much as any dog I ever owned.

    The radio developed a short which led to a fire in the fuse panel. This repair was too much to deal with for a guy working as much as I had been at the time. I found a buyer moving home to Mexico who needed a strong vehicle and just gave it to him.

    I hope that big loud gas guzzling bastard is a keystone for someone else now in a culture that may prop it back up indefinitely.
    GOG, SB21 and CraftyMofo like this.
  5. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    Arizona truck, no rust at all. Future use is mostly hauling water. It shines in the snow. Today there were thunderstorms and I was sliding around in the mud having a little fun.
    GOG, SB21 and Zimmy like this.
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