You carry all this daily? Are you a police officer? Perhaps you live in LA, Chicago or New York...but if you did then doubtful they would even let you carry unless maybe you're a LEO... Anyway, sure seems like a lot unless you live in a Democrat city. You got gangs in your area? Well, you're definitely prepared for the worse. I live in North Idaho where a lot of people carry and there is very little crime. I do not carry all the time, I use to, but crime is so low that it really isn't necessary; however, I live in the country. When I do carry, say when I go to a town, it's a Glock 19 (which I think is what yours is) and maybe a couple of magazines, sometimes not, mostly not. Yeah, I know I should, but I got 15 rounds in the Glock and by the time I'm through those I think the situation will either be over or I will be dead, so most the times I don't carry extra magazines. I am considering getting a Byrna gas gun to keep in the truck all the time...
NAA 22 mag revolver, flashlight that also acts as battery reserve for phone, ink pen, handkerchief, Morgan Dollar, wallet, keys, and a folding knife. Work key ring on work days. Traditional timex type watch That's on my person. There's all kinds of stuff in my lunch bag. The Subaru is kitted up for a trip to the Land of the Lost.
I prefer the John Wick style. Viggo Tarasov: "In a bar, I once saw him kill three men... with a pencil. WITH A F***IN PENCIL."
Shield 9 when I'm out and about. For now. Starting with the "May Day" protest season kickoff here in the Portland Metro area I'll be bringing this with me in my vehicle until the fall cold rainy season sends them back to their mom's basement. Technically a pistol and when folded slips into a commuter sized sling bag that features Level 3A body armor. When the bag is swung to the front the armor covers the vital area and the pistol is quickly accessible. As a pistol it's legal to carry concealed in the bag under my CPL.
Anytime i go somewhere i bring my taurus pt111 g2 9mm. Good hollowpoint ammo, so far aside from some junk ball ammo it functions flawless. Usually keep a long gun in the truck, sometimes its a high power, sometimes its a rimfire, other times a shotgun. Here in rural kansas bout all we got to be worried about is methheads
Springfield Hellcat with either 13 or 15 rd mags, 13 conceals a little easier. Using Federal +P HST 124 grain hollow points. Recoil is very controllable, especially after shooting .44s and .45s for most of my adult life, 9 mil is a pussycat. Live in a medium sized city about 60 miles north of the Mexican border so decided last year that at age 70, I was too old to fight off some 21 year old Guatemalan illegal with a machete. Carry just about everywhere, supermarket, restaurants, hardware store etc. as long as it can be concealed. Live in a constitutional carry state but got the training and permit anyway. Adds legitimacy should Officer Friendly have a few questions.
My carry when out is usually a G43x with a spare mag or 2. Depending on where I'm going I may add or only carry my DB9. Always have a pocket knife and my Leatherman with me.
Winter time, or when traveling to dense urban, it's the Double stack 10mm with a CZ-82 B.U.G. and a couple fixed blades, and finally, a comprehensive IFAC! I also carry a Carbine of some sort, usually a Schmidt and Ruben strait pull bolt in .308 or an AR SBR' suppressed, always in the car/truck! Summer months I usually change up the load out, being a Colt Python 4 inch and the CZ as a B.U.G. everything else stays the same! Woods carry or when Flying the Bush, it's always a big bore wheel gun along with a Glock 29 as a B.U.G. and a full med kit, along with either a full size rifle or a big bore Carbine, usually the .500 Jefferys, of the Marlin 1897 XLR!
Did you watch the movie? Do you know who Viggo was? Or are you more surprised that a commie pencil exists? Because I was rather surprised.
The Commies stole the idea from America! Meanwhile, NASA spent $30,000 to develop an ink pin that could write upside down, in a vacuum, in zero gravity in space! Russia spent .03 Rubles on Pencil, writes in any environment including wet, upside down, after two bottles of Vodka, still fuckin writing, so yea, the commy bastards had pencils! LOL!
Daily carry would be a .38 mod 36 S&W or a Makarov. That's only when I venture forth from my cocoon. Im not going to be a hapless target for some whack-job if I can help it... unlikely where we live but ya never know. We're all in the Hands of the Almighty, my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight! Ps 144:1