Connecting the dots...

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by enloopious, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    There's a movie called "Under the Silver Lake"(UTSL) that I watched recently. The movie was billed as this big blockbuster when it came out but never performed well. Nobody understood the movie. It was also depressing that the 'hero' never actually did anything. After all of his investigation and conspiracy theories, nothing ever came of anything. People are actually trying to figure out the puzzles littered through out the movie. Some places have Morse code, others have ancient hieroglyphs, hobo codes, etc.

    Then I came across this video based on a CIA book/movie. This guy is an authority on space weather and does more research than anyone on the subject. The idea is that the Sun goes through cycles and has a massive effect on the Earth. Every so often it sends solar flares and destabilizes our magnetic shielding allowing all kinds of crazy stuff to happen. Transformers blow, phones stop working, etc.

    Getting back to the movie idea, UTSL has a Richard Branson type character, who goes to space and does other things that only the wealthy can do. He also builds an underground bunker just like so many wealthy people are doing right now.

    What if UTSL hid the message in plain sight? What if the secret message is actually real and a warning to the wealthy people of the world? If you watch it there are all kinds of distractions and after solving many of the puzzles only to find stupid crap (EX: in the writing on the toilet stall it translates to "coffee shop menu" ) that makes no sense. What if they are telling everyone that all of the details of the movie are BS? Everything in your daily life doesn't matter because there is a massive solar event coming to wipe us all out? The main character, Sam, does all kinds of stupid stuff that leads nowhere. The rich people in news stories in the background match up exactly with real world people and all of the things that are happening today.

    Even Marvel has been accused of putting secret messages to the worlds elite in their movies. Just look at the end of Capt America. notice the Corona, the Virus, and the Mask in the bottom right.

    In the movie they challenge people to solve the mystery. Presumably who the dog killer is. It is the main plot given to us and yet there is no progress on it and every investigation leads to another cartoonish waste of time. The wealthy people only slightly mentioned in background stories are building under ground bases stocked with supplies and breeder girls. Anyhow, if you like figuring out riddles, take a look at all of these things and pots your thoughts.
    DKR likes this.
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I'm writing a series on just such an EOTW. Sunburn, up to Episode 6 now, #7 is complete and will be released next month.

    Ben Davidson, the guy that runs Suspicious 0bservers, has almost 500K subscribers.
    My hope is to capture a small part of that subscriber base for the books....
    enloopious, GOG and Brokor like this.
  3. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    As far as the Brit running his mouth...

    Billionaires and politicians.... Tough sh!t for you if you don't have your own shelter....

    or live in MO.
  4. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    enloopious likes this.
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I don't know, it's really thought provoking, though. The whole premise pertaining to secret messages is no real secret; since the beginning of television there were subliminal ads and testing. But, what you mentioned @enloopious within the movie may very well be little nuggets left for the viewer, or it could also be entirely manifested by paranoia or obsession. I do know about the phallic or some other sexual drawings in multiple Disney cartoons and films, which would lend to the idea of a very possible nugget, so it's not impossible.
    I just don't have the time to go searching.

    Also, for those who may be wondering, Ben Davidson and the whole Suspicious Observers project is very real and fully founded on sound theory and evidence. I just wanted to mention this because it's not too difficult to toss this cyclical catastrophe topic into the crazy bin at first glance.
    enloopious and DKR like this.
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Everyone of the SUNBURN books ends the same
    End of Episode Three.
    Coming up, Episode Four: Rumbles

    Thank for your purchase of this Episode of the series, Sunburn. I hope you enjoyed this and will enjoy the following Episodes. I would note that science says this has happened in the past and will happen again, likely in the near future. Unfortunately, science doesn't tell us when it will happen…
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    enloopious likes this.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Why would they feel the need to put this into a movie? I mean, those in power and wealth would already have the connections/contacts to know about this so what its purpose? Perhaps some small spark of conscience to warn the peons, the masses? Doubtful. Doesn't seem to pass the logic test... Plus, would the Powers allow a movie to be made that is specifically trying to warn people causing panic, price rises and shortages? Again, doubtful, very doubtful.

    Having said sounds like an interesting film! LOL! But, I freely admit my taste in films can be...different. LOL!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    enloopious and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Eat the rich, Move into their bunkers.
    enloopious, Tempstar and crowdaddy like this.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I'd say that we've already seen realistic events portrayed in movies so they can be "debunked", as in the Lone Gunman episode 1 when they hijack an airliner to crash into the WTC to make it look like fantasy if anybody even suggests 9-11-01 was an inside job. As for the topic alone, nobody has made a movie about the cyclical catastrophe. The link above was to the Suspicious Observers YouTube channel, and the documentary is Ben Davidson's own making, based on actual scientific research and real data. There was a book called The Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas that was classified by the CIA and recently declassified, and it is centered around the whole study of catastrophic events, but it all went sideways because the CIA had one of their own at the helm (Hapgood) to steer it off course. Einstein wrote a forward to Hapgood's study, but he died before the final work went to print, so we cannot say he actually was on board for the final conclusion. And it was the conclusion that sent the whole field of crust displacement theory to the loonie bin. The part they got wrong (purposefully by Hapgood) was the Earth doesn't tip over randomly, and the sun was never found to be the deciding factor. The research we now have permits us to see what can actually happen when the Earth's crust moves freely due to the viscosity altering in low velocity zone from a massive EMP or micronova event. Modern science is actually advanced enough to continue this study and offer far more than what was available more than 70 years ago.
    enloopious, Gator 45/70 and DKR like this.
  10. Dark Wolf

    Dark Wolf Monkey

    I haven't been inside the mine, but it is pretty impressive even from the outside.

    enloopious and Gator 45/70 like this.
  11. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    There is another at Kansas City
    curiousKC dug up the truth about KC's tunnels

    Carthage MO

    Springfield MO

    Utilidors offer shelter in every major urban area

    kind of stupid, but does have some good video of the underground system at Texas Tech.
    start at 6 min in.
  12. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    In the case of UTSL, I get the idea that the message is that everything else is BS. All of the mystery is designed to distract everyone from the truth. The message is in plain site. Everything else in the movie is utterly ridiculous. The rich ARE building bunkers in REAL life. The parrot squawking OVA/OVUM. The owl lady. Bands, Music, Pictures, Morse code, magazines, sex, TV, the secret codes everywhere, it's all distraction from the truth and everyone missed it. They were distracted.
    Secret Codes in Under The Silver Lake
    Only I Know the Secrets: Breaking Down 'Under the Silver Lake' | BW/DR

    I think they put it in movies because they can. They have unlimited money. They can print all they want. I get the feeling that they either have software running, that decrypts the messages in real time, or they are just smarter than the rest of us. They could also just talk and communicate amongst each other... and I guess the other option is that I'm wrong, paranoid, or bonkers. There have been so many movies that may or may not be secret messages. Should we look at Donnie Darko next?
  13. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Too many coincidences to be a coincidence? I have the very strong suspicion that there are NO coincidences.
    Bandit99 and Brokor like this.
  14. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, I got to agree completely. I think I became a believer when I saw the video of Building #7 collapse on 9/11. No way anyone will ever convince me that wasn't a planned demolition. After that, with eyes open, I started to see much more clearly and started to question everything. Yeah, there are no coincidences - not anymore.

    As far as them putting secret messages out there in public view - well - maybe. I suppose there are those in the know that might want to get a message out and not end up floating in the river but I think that is pretty far fetched; nevertheless, it's possible.
    enloopious likes this.
  15. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Its strange how some movies are very hyped up but never perform well. If you look at the Bohemian Grove and all the Free Mason messages put out there, all the play acting, and everything it seems that they can't help it. They need to tell the truth, even if it is in the form of a play or a movie or art or music. Just look at 'The Magic Flute' which drove the Masons nuts. They feel the NEED to talk about what they do and for many of them art is the only way. It is hard for most to hold in a secret with out telling someone. These art forms allow them to express their views while claiming fiction. It is called plausible deniability and has been used for centuries by many people with heavy burdens.

    Mozart, the Free Masons and A Mysterious Death
    Bandit99 likes this.
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