Colion and Vivek

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    A friend sent me this video which I found very interesting so thought I would share it. Very impressive.

    I think what hit a nerve with me is not Vivek's views on the 2A as much as his cognitive ability to field Colion's questions, which I thought were very good, to think on his feet and articulate his thoughts and how he came to those conclusions. The guy is a good speaker, sharp and smooth and while I am 100% behind Trump, because I want the Left destroyed and he is the only guy that I trust to do it without compromise, Vivek definitely has a future in Right-wing politics IF he turns out to be real, which he comes across as just that - real.

    So, I am cautiously optimistic about him. Maybe the Right has someone that is smooth, sharp, eloquent, and intelligent...the Right's equivalent to an Obama but better since he's not a politician. Let's hope that what we see is what we get, and he's real and not just saying what we want to most Right politicians.

    Presidential Hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy Let's Talk About The 2nd Amendment - YouTube
    crowdaddy likes this.
  2. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I too was impressed with Ramaswamy, but embarrassed and angered by the rest of them. I shouldn’t have been, but was surprised at the amount of candidate support for Viper Pence. At least more of the audience recognized Viper for what he is.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  3. john316

    john316 Monkey+++

    vivek acts like a con man
    i think he would tell you what you want to hear
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I don't think so! He is so stinkin rich, he has nothing to loose, and if he can actually do what he says he will do, THAT is exactly what is needed! Is he perfect, NO, but he is a damn sight better then any of the other choices we currently have!
    For those who think Trump is a god, Trump in only in it for his ego, and is the yes man for those he likes or those he can manipulate, and with the left hell bent against him, he wouldn't be able to do anything anyway! He also has the wrong people working for him, NONE of them have our interests at heart, only their own, a stake in the great game! Trump tossed us under the bus every time any challenge came up, he didn't have anything to loose by standing up for us, but he caved and we lost big, all for his fuckin ego!
    jim2 likes this.
  5. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    You'll know when Vivek is seen as a viable candidate (a threat to the Left) when the dirt starts being published - real or not.
    jim2, Bandit99 and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, Pence...he thinks if he hides behind his religion that we won't see what or who he actually is. He's a Republican party man, an establishment man...bought and paid for. I think the only reason he is still running it to take away a few votes from Trump because that is damn sure all he will get.

    That's definitely the fear because that's what they all do, every damn one of them, whether Democrat or Republican.

    LOL! Well, he's as human as you and me but like it or not he did more in those few years he was in then all the damn presidents combined in our lifetime, and he did it without the help of the Republican party. I do think you are wrong in that it is about ego. I think it is more about revenge now and I am perfectly, 100% okay with that as long as he gets us back on track and destroys the Left, burned to the ground and buried...and if he has time, salt it. I also have wondered about "He also has the wrong people working for him." Here's a thought, what if there aren't any right people - I mean - when we talk power and money, maybe there are none that can't be bought. I am beginning to believe that any and all individuals in that government service group are either Swamp creatures or will easily become one because it's the nature of the beast and their FIRST and possibly their ONLY interest is self. As far as "Trump tossed us under the bus every time any challenge came up" are you still pissed about the Bump Stock or what? No idea of what you are referring too here. If it's the Covid stuff - hells bells - anyone at that moment would have done the same, including myself, because no one had a clue what was really happening until 3 months later down the road. I would like to think he would not have tolerated the Covid BS if left in office and even a blind man could see it was all lies - well - most of it was lies.
    jim2, Yard Dart and Ura-Ki like this.
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