Whilst doing a reconnaissance for an interstate move, had coffee in a cafe local to the area I was scoping out...the Cafe had a bin filled with 5kg bags of coffee grounds. I took a bag for my sister in law's compost heap...and then I thought of the cafe as a continuing source of fire briquette fuel.
Making a briquette binder using flour...this will help reduce the inclination of briquettes to crumble when dried. An interesting idea would be to add aromatics to the binder, like rosemary, orageno, blended citrus peel, lavender, even eucalyptus or tea tree oil to the mix.
Black treacle as a binder? Not exactly a waste product but it may make the woodsmoke a little more exotic.
Leaves as fire briquette fuel (with other ingredients)... Autumn leaf drops can be a useful fire resource for the winter months.