Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by duane, Jan 20, 2025.

  1. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Clorox and other chlorine bleach SPLASHLESS FORMULA dangers for water purification.

    My water contains a lot of minerals and I have a water system that injects chlorine into the water coming from the well and that reacts with the minerals to turn them into solids. There are 2 250 gal holding tanks that allow the solids to fall out. I have to drain them to waste every month, and that gets rid of the solids. I then go thru a carbon filter to remove any still suspended solids and the residual chlorine. That back flushes every 48 hours. I have had great success with the system for 30 years. Once a month add a gallon of Clorox and flush the tanks.

    Today I did the same action and the Clorox in the tank foamed. Never did that before, and when I looked at the jug, it said "splash less formula". I called Clorox and they said it might clog up my filters, had less disinfecting power and was not recommended for water purification. I am in the process of draining and rinsing my used to be Clorox tank and will try to refill it with "chlorine bleach". I knew you could not use anything with fabric or odor additives, but the Clorox container does not list anything other than other ingredients.

    If you have a water system that uses bleach for a disinfectant, are using it to shock a well, or rotate it to purify water after TSHTF, DANGER WILL ROBINSEN, it is not the same stuff and may in fact be harmful. The lawyers will be unhappy though, you can't splash it and hurt yourself. My fault, said Clorox and didn't say spring fresh smell or cling free and listed no other things in the label when I checked. I am out a gallon of bleach, I could have had to replace the filter or gotten sick. Now to find some of the old unimproved bleach and rinse system one more time. Usually buy a few gallons at a time, glad I just bought one and I don't think it will work in my old washing machine bleach system. Doesn't really pour. I have had the habit of just turning the jug up and putting into the fill hole to prevent splashing so I didn't see it run out, but there was a residue left in the jug that was like a heavy syrup. Don't use the "splashless formula" for water purification.
    ssonb, SB21, sec_monkey and 3 others like this.
  2. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Good information. I occasionally add Clorox to my water supply at the remote property.
    Clorox makes a bleach specifically to be used as a disinfectant.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
    SB21 and sec_monkey like this.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Buy the dry form and make it yourself, it's shelf stable. Never trust anything pre-made.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    After some hunting I found these components listed for it with a fragrance. The one I bought did not have it:

    Clorox Splash-less Bleach, Fresh Meadow Cleaner Rating

    If it goes by the usual system, it has more things than I want in my water, or to tell the truth, even in my septic system. Half the things on the super fund for our ground water here in New Hampshire were either required, fuel additives, or harmless, plastic components.

    While I bought it to use in a water system, it states that it is not to be used to disinfect or sanitize. I thought when you bought a Clorox bleach, you got bleach. Sorry for my stupidity.

    Clorox Splash-less Bleach, Fresh Meadow Cleaner Rating

    And as near as I can figure from their more advanced data in the page, most of the components have never been tested for harmful effects beyond dropping it in a rabbits eye.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
    SB21 likes this.
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