Climate: The Future Is Cold

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brokor, Jan 26, 2025 at 20:03.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Despite what mainstream science is claiming, those "in the know" who do not pay it much attention are aware of numerous studies and alternative perspective which isn't biased toward promoting a globalist agenda, and are aware that our future is not going to get's getting much colder.

    The thing is, our weather is directly correlated with our Star and the Earth's electromagnetic shield, which is weakening and will continue to weaken until the polar excursion is over.

    The polar vortex will continue to be unstable during this event, and we will see wild swings in weather, including colder nights and warmer days throughout each season. The Earth's magnetic shield is very much a critical factor in maintaining a stable vortex.

    The science behind all of this is not as complex as some may think; it's not exactly primary school level, either.

    vortex2. And weather as a whole has been up and down throughout recorded history. The point of bringing this up isn't meant to scare people, but I feel like somebody needs to bring this to the surface for consideration due to the terrible controversy and corruption within our scientific community and academic professions.

    Playlists to learn from:

    1: The Planets and The Sun -

    2. Weather Learning -

    3. The 12,000 Year Cycle -

    4. Climate Change -

    5. Earthquake Knowledge -
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Having observed and continue to observe this "Climate Change" it's a little alarming at how fast it's happening!
    When I was a kid growing up in the Willamette Valley of OryGun, we never really had extreme temps, winters were mostly mild, not that much ice or heavy snow ( With a few exceptions) over the years, and summer time temps NEVER got above 90 but maybe one to three days worth, usually mid to late august, mostly in the low eighties high seventies, and it was GLORIOUS!

    Rencently, the last 8 or so years, Summer temps have been Extreme, I experienced my first ever 100 deg day in Orygun, followed by a week or more of 100+ Days, then winter was colder and wetter, MUCH wetter! Orygun is famous for it's rainfall, the city of Astoria is the wettest city on the entire planet, that should tell you just how much water we get, DAMN does it rain, but holy crap, the last several years, Bomb Cyclones, and Atmospheric Rivers, Holy Hell! Back when I was a kid in the 70's a good "Gully Washer" as we called them, usually lasted 10 to maybe 15 min at the most, torrential rain squall and then the sun would come out and life went back to normal! These days, those Squalls last for days, the last one I witnessed in Orygun lasted almost an entire week, NON STOP,, it would let off a little, then hammer on some more, I thought I was going to need to call Noah to see about an Ark, Seriously, I thought we were gonna flood,, came close to it, but didn't, just barely! That following summer, we saw one day during the heat spell where temps were 116 deg, Holy Hell, that was mosterously BAD, especially right after the nasty fires we had close to home, those temps were unheard of, more then a month well into the hundreds, the daily average was 104, yea, it's not good!

    Our place here in Colorado, we normally get snow storms that dump a few inches to a foot or so, then the sun comes out and it all melts and turns to ice, then we get more snow, and it continues like that till spring, around 5 months or so it's DAMN COLD, and summers are still pretty mild compared to elsewhere, but I can feel the changes, this season we got several feet of snow at a time, and the sun didn't melt it enough to freeze it to ice, so it just kept compacting and piling up, we still have tons of snow piled up all over the place, and I fear the summer temps are going to rise, a warm day here is in the high 80's, never more then one to three days above 90, but I'm expecting that's going to change, and not for the better!

    This all makes the fires FAR more dangerous and FAR bigger!
    Cali is reaping what they sowed, the snow's are far less, which doesn't allow for the build up of a snow pack which makes a reserve of water, instead, they have been getting heavy rains which makes the brush and grass grow much more then usual, and all that is FUEL for fires, BIG FIRES, and now they have a 365 day fire season, not just a few months like normal, NOPE, now it's 100 percent fire season, and all the restrictions that come with it! Most of the world is seeing similar to this, some areas are VERY effected while others are not as bad, YET, but it's going to get a lot worse before it changes back to normal!
    Bandit99, duane and Brokor like this.
  3. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    as I recall the claim was an ice age was coming back in the late 70's early 80's... and instead it warmed up...

    then global warming and it cooled down... now climate change... well ya it's constantly changing...

    also can't discount God in all this... almost like he's spitting in their eye or something???

    yet some folks are drinkin that kool-aid like crazy and feaking out... SAD...
    SB21 and duane like this.
  4. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++ may seem that way, but is far from the leader. That is Mawsynram in India with over 467 inches per year.
    duane and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Thank you for sharing Brokar. We know that in the past the earth has been polar and covered in ice, a jungle world, the ice ages and the periods between them, we really have no long term data. We have weather and I have seen cycles of heat and cold in my 86 years. This winter it is cold, hard to heat the house with wood. But that is about the third cycle of that in the last 45 years. The same with heat. I call it weather, they call it climate. I guess that justifies the "green revolution" even if there is no valid reason for it. Check back in 100 years and see what the 20 year averages have been and quit measuring the temps in city locations. The local weather has about 6 locations in town where they can call and a computer gives them an accurate temp. At any one time it may vary 10 degrees depending on altitude, cold air layering, cloud cover, and other micro climate changes. My house in a valley next to lake is usually at least 5 degrees cooler than the town offices located on a hill 3 miles away. Then they talk of a disaster with a 2 degree change. In my mind the jury is still out on that claim.
    SB21 likes this.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Climate Change is a Scam to get you and I to spend money we don't have for shit we don't need on programs that don't exit! Lets spend money to solve issues that don't exist, and lets make it serious and make a great big fuss about it and pass useless laws! The Ozone layer, the ice shelf and glaciers melting, the sea levels are rising,.......................... We're All Gonna Die, spend spend spend!
    No more internal combustion engines, electric only, never mind there is no chance we will ever get the grid needed to support even 1/100 of it! No more natural gas, no more wood stoves, no more this latest thing, no more how it's always been, no more, no more, no more, change change change!
    duane, SB21 and OldDude49 like this.
  7. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I have said it before, We would only be flattering ourselves if we assume we have the power to make any significant change in the climate of the Earth.
    duane, OldDude49, techsar and 4 others like this.
  8. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    It's about controlling people, usually, a new tax or fee is involved. whatever the gov. says the opposite is more likely true.
    Ura-Ki, Seawolf1090 and OldDude49 like this.
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