A clever mango fruit picking tool.... https://youtube.com/shorts/avP00P28t-k?si=pI8GfA6ocjWb8thc The fruit of mango trees are often out of reach.
When I first saw the title of the post, I thought it was going to be a monkey! LOL! Very interesting idea and good for other fruits as well. Thanks!
Might be a little rough for peaches and apples. Grand dad would never let me drop them a few inches. The picker bag opens from the bottom and the fruit just slides out. Handier than the old wire basket type, can only pick one fruit in it. Grand dad said that the only difference between eggs and fruit, was that eggs were more rugged and showed the damage. Picked tree several times, for fruit for sale, no blemishes and good shape and color. Second time for fruit to can or dry. Third time for fruit that had to be processed into jelly or juice at once. His rules, not mine, but he did it for over 70 years, and it worked. His dad taught him. Fruit Pickers | Fruit Picker Tool | Grow Organic