Gear Review CLC Work Gear Phone Case for iDen i355/i560 Motorola

Discussion in 'Functional Gear & Equipment' started by Brokor, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The CLC Phone Case
    Extremely rugged, well made case I have found to use for iDen phones made by CLC Work Gear. They come in various sizes, and the large will fit the i355 perfectly. The small will fit the i560 as well.
    DSC00033.JPG The bottom of the case has a small opening to allow for your phone to remain in the case while plugged in. The small version does not have this capability.
    DSC00034.JPG The small case is every bit as rugged as its larger counterpart.

    DSC00032.JPG These cases have expanding sides to accommodate most size phones. The elastic is strong, and have compartments to store small items if desired.

    DSC00030.JPG DSC00031.JPG There are three ways to attach your phone case. You have a heavy duty clip, a very strong 'D' ring, and a belt loop.

    DSC00037.JPG Sorry, make that 4 points (for the large case), you can attach a Molle Malice™ clip straight down the center where there is an additional loop area.

    DSC00035.JPG The small case fits nicely in the hand.

    These cases are VERY RUGGED. All attachment points are reinforced, the materials are bomb-proof.

    Can you still operate the phones in case? Yup. No problem.
    How does the case close? Velcro, lots of Velcro.
    How much does it cost? Visit the link at the bottom of the thread and find out.
    Why are you using these old phones? Oh, you're new here...

    Yeah, I would say they more than qualify for use in my kit. I picked these up at a local Tractor Supply, but found their website for you.

    Website: Large Cell Phone Holder
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
    BTPost and kellory like this.
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