Mosby Campfire Chats–8MAY2023

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, May 22, 2023.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    You mentioned in an article a few months ago about the old saying “you can never be too strong, but you can be strong enough.” What in your opinion is “strong enough?” I am working on a baseline of fitness right now, and am looking for some goals to reach for, bare minimum, intermediate, well-conditioned.

    I’d have to think on it, a lot. I’d say a bare minimum would be something like the old three event APFT, and making the Airborne/SOF minimum score of 70 points per event, in the 17-21 year old range would be bare minimum, along with rucking a 15 minute mile with 45# on his back, in our context. Anything less than that, and I honestly wouldn’t even consider putting a person in a security role that required more than standing in one spot and catching bullets.

    For a medium standard?

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