Mosby Campfire Chats–4JUN2024

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    Managed to get back into the gym yesterday. Probably a bit early yet, given the busted ribs, but I went anyway. Only exercises I had issues with were upper body pushing exercises, like bench press, overhead presses, and pulls (and less issues with the pulls than the pushes). Interestingly, the one exercise I thought would cause the most issues, barbell squats, were no issue at all. The pushing exercises, I could definitely feel some strain in the vicinity of the breaks, so I kept it pretty mellow. Now, we get to see if I can do some run and gun training with my plate carrier and/or chest rig on.

    I promised my wife I wouldn’t get horseback until the end of June. She doesn’t seem to believe me, but I’m making a concerted effort to stick to that, and let the ribs heal completely.


    Hey John! While you are recovering, are other folks helping with various things that need to be done like construction or similar? Tribal groups will do that as well as extended family, btdt. As far as rolling on ribs while sleeping, have you tried wearing a Level IIIa vest with side panels as cushion/protection?

    We’ve had some help from neighbors and stuff, yes. The hardest part

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