Mosby Campfire Chats–23APR2024

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++
    Thanks! I’ll likely have it in hand by then. What are your thoughts on “blending in” in a city/urban environment with such a ruck, as much as one can with a 110L pack? Do you know if the ranger green color is good to go under NVG’s? Or is brown or multicam preferable?

    It actually depends more on the material than the specific color, although a broken color (i.e. camo pattern) will tend to work better, if the color delineations are dramatic enough. As Berglander pointed out, if you’re at one of the classes this summer, we’ll pull out the NVG and look at different gear in different colors, so you can see. Moisture also matters. For instance, old school M81 pattern…

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