Mosby Campfire Chats–16FEB2024

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++
    Spent my high years in a rural NW Florida school. Only AC was in a couple of portable buildings, in the rest of the school, each room had a wall of windows. It generally was fairly pleasant; the school day ended before the heat of the day soaked through everything.
    I spent my youth in the rural South too, and like you, we didn’t have air conditioning at school (or at home, for that matter). Opening the windows, and working the blinds during the day kept it tolerable, even at the end of the school year, when outside afternoon temperatures were in the upper 90s. It always cracks me up when I read people talk about how you can’t live in the South without air conditioning. Granted, somewhere like Atlanta is probably a much warmer climate today than it was in my youth, because of the greater thermal mass of the city between high-rise buildings and more paved, blacktop roads today, but once you get out of the urban areas, the South is absolutely liveable without air conditioning, even in August. You just have to know how to build for the environment, and learn to adapt.
    Whew, this series is a lot to take in by my simple brain. You would think the hygiene would be common sense but…..

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