Mosby Campfire Chats–12AUG2024

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Aug 21, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    Regarding Ticks an Lyme Disease. Here in Germany I heard statements from medics varying from 8-12h (see below) before they start to transmit the disease at least if they are not squeezed when removed early enough. I guess it is some curve for the likelihood of transmission over time and in rare cases it will be possible even before 8h. I did not cough it yet (or did not realise) but I know a lot of people who have had it and some even faced “livelong” problems, as in the past it was often not recognized and therefore not treated (in most case antibiotics work well if it is observed early enough). Last week I was on a one week Scout training with a Wilderness School and they had a routine of “tick check” done at the lunch and dinner break which was a really good thing and at every check plenty of ticks where removed. After the night lessons no check was done but at night I never caught one anyway. I do such kind of routine always after leaving the woods or resting there. This should go a long way to prevent an infection. I also feel a specific itching quite soon after they have bitten which also helps to remove and kill them early enough, but I discussed with other and they don’t have this reaction.

    Update: I cross checked the time frame and according to the RKI (resposible agency for disease control at Germany it should be 1 to 2 days until it is normally transmitted, so John seems to be right here).

    So weird. It’s like I know what I’m talking about…. LOL.

    Thanks for the verification though!


    Where do you find the smaller contractor bags that are in thicker plastic?

    Well, the ones in the video, specifically, I purchased at the Wal-Mart on Broadway, in the vicinity of all the other trash bags. (the commentor is from Idaho Falls, so he knows the specific WM I’m talking about).


    Shelter halves. The 5 females in my NG unit built a larger ‘tent’ out of six shelter halves so they could all sleep together. Four in a square shape with one corner for entrance/exit then the last two raised above the others and tied off, making almost a pyramid, but they could sit up. They got the extra shelter half from supply.

    I can’t even visualize how they managed to snap all that shit together and keep the rain out. What are the chances you have a picture stashed away somewhere?


    Wife is an urgent care PA, ticks supposedly need to be on for at least 24 hours. Her thought process is if they’re not engorged, it’s ok. If they’re engorged we do prophylactic antibiotics. She doesn’t do that for her patients but for us she does. Not sure if that’s good or bad. She had some major Lyme issues a few years ago so she’s very cautious.

    I dated a girl once who had suffered through Lyme Disease, after getting a tick bite on a dig when she was working on her PhD in archaeology, and still had recurrent symptoms years later. That was actually a contributing factor to our not working out. She felt like I didn’t take the threat of Lyme Disease seriously enough (to be fair, she was probably correct, at least from her perspective).

    Read the rest!

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