Mosby Campfire Chat–24FEB2024

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++
    “Because it’s still winter, but lacking adequate snow to do much snow camp training or skiing, our “preps” this week have focused on the gym. Here’s one for all of you grown ass men who complain about PT and rucking. My 12 year old daughter, who weighs a whopping 105-110#, did two miles the other day, in 27 minutes and 13 seconds. Now, that wouldn’t be impressive, except she did it with a 30# pack on. A few days later, she did three miles in 32:39.
    Now, I don’t know anybody who is saying you need to exceed EIB (Expert Infantry Badge) standards, which is a 12-miler, in three hours, at 45# ruck, but if you can’t do even EIB standards, just know…my 12 year old daughter is more badass than you are.”

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