Bureau of Land Management (The other BLM) in the shit - again

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DKR, Jul 13, 2023.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    4x4, Kamp Krap and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I knew it as it was all going down, saw it with my own eyes, I can spot a Fed a mile away, the more those fucksters try to hide, the more they stand out! As someone trained in counter intelligence and counter sniper, I see things most don't, but it' doesn't take all that much when it's the Feebs doing the dirty! I remember video of the standoff and remember seeing snipers in the snow and the Reporters completely oblivious to everything! I remember the Head Feeb in charge, a second rate sawed off piss poor excuse for an operator spouting off how they were doing this and that, and all you had to do was look around to see it was all a great big fuckin lie! I know the town of Burns Oregon, having grown up in the state and hunted and fished all over the eastern side, Burns is sort of the gate way between all the cool places to do stuff, and Bend/Sisters where all the big money lives! Burns is a shithole that NOBODY ever visits, and yet, the Feebs from the BLM set a fire to scam the Gov. for funds and then blamed the Hammonds who set a back burn to control the BLM fire, they were then arrested for the crime of protecting their property and sentenced to time, then re tried and re sentenced to an additional 5 years, AFTER serving their sentence! Of course Bundy was pisssed, nobody was doing anything to help the Hammonds, so he and his merry band stepped up and we all know that history! There is Video or the BLM setting that fire, then sitting along the roads watching it build and getting out of control! There is also video of the Hammonds setting a back burn to control the fire, that video shows the whole event and specifically shows the BLM lied about the wind shifting and burning even more, as the BLM claimed! I also saw video from the hotshots from both Colsun and Redmond that show the BLM just sitting in their firetrucks doing NOTHING while the fires build and go out of control, and there was tons of testimony in the trial of how the backk burn actually worked, then the BLM lied, and because they are the feds, they got away with it and two innocent men paid the price!
    techsar, 4x4, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  3. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I have a buddy in Vale who agrees with this synopsis
    SB21, Kamp Krap, Ura-Ki and 1 other person like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Don't forget, the real story isn't the Bundy's or Hammonds, or even the BLM, it's Comrade Klinton, Uranium One, and the "Old" fed declaration of Wild Life Sanctuary/ Nature Preserve under Roosevelt, basically shutting off a very large tract of "State Lands" that actually belonged to the Homestead Ranchers and the original Open Range pact betwixt the Fed Government and the Ranchers Association of Oregon! There are hundreds of old bones buried in that wasteland, which just so happens to contain the largest deposits of Uranium in North America, if not the entire planet! It also shut down the mines that produced Pure Borax and Sulphur, and a pretty substantial supply of Pure Military Grade Black Coal! Because of the Klintons, the State has given up most of it's lands and allowed both the BLM and USFS to "Own" them, and to profit hugely with out paying the state it's due, and we won't even mention the Uranium, mined by a foreign government illegally operating under it's own authority! Don't believe me, try driving those old wagon roads between Highway 20, Highway 295 and 395, you will see for yourself, armed guards guarding closed roads that belong to the state, with ZERO authority to do so, and yet here we are! Basically, the tri corners area between Bend to the North West, Burns to the North East, Lakeview to the South West, and Denino to the South East on the Oregon/Nevada line, and the Steens Mountains as the far eastern border of it all, THAT'S some SERIOUS land pretty much all locked up and "Owned" by the Government and not the State! Like I said, try driving any of the dirt roads and you will see for yourself!
    Zimmy, 4x4, SB21 and 1 other person like this.
  5. 4x4

    4x4 In the Basket of Deplorables

    No matter what side you were on with the Bundy conflict it was handled completely incorrectly. What you had was a cattle rancher that wanted to keep grazing his cattle on BLM land. The federal government decided they wanted more money from him. There was a difference of opinion between the two. This was entirely a civil action and not criminal. The pure fact the the US government sent in armed agents after this man is unacceptable. If he decided not to pay what they state he now owes set a civil court hearing. If he didn't show the judge could make a ruling in absentia.

    If he didn't pay any fines or fees they can garnish any wages he may make for the sale of his cattle or income taxes. There is absolutely no reason to carry something like this any farther. But oh no, the government decided they were going to press the issue. I remember closely watching that standoff they had at the end. There is no doubt in my mind the blue lipped Kenyan was pulling the strings at the time since he was president and had already made many comments about this. He wanted to punish those people for daring to stand up against the government. Even though he as a "community organizer/activist" encourages they were the opposite of his agenda.

    I have zero doubt in my mind the Kenyan had advisors telling him if a shot was fired it would ignite a fire in a hay barn's across the nation with no fire dept anywhere. There is no doubt Ruby Ridge or Waco's lessons still resounded. I have no doubt the blue lipped Kenyan blinked and told those agents to back down to save bloodshed we have not witnesses in America in any of our lifetimes. The same things are starting to go with federal agencies over stepping their boundaries on the American populace at the behest of the leadership. We learn not from our past.
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