Build a tarp and sticks canoe tied with string. A nice project to do with your teenage kids, getting them away from a video screen...except to follow canoe building instructions of course.
If you can find a boat shop that does shrink wrapping for the winter storage, that shrink wrap is far better material than regular tarp materials. It is water proof and can be welded to it's self and shaped perfectly for many applications, which makes for easy repairs. Beyond that it has better longevity than any other tarp like materials especially in direct sunlight.
Your point is taken, and it is a good suggestion if one has ready access to those materials (for their durability, strength, and UV resistance) )....however, when needs must, one must rely on the materials at hand...which may be tarps, tin plate sheeting (welded, soldered, glued together), or traditional birchbark or doped leather. Edit: or heavy gauge PVC sheeting from barrels. The process of learning to make a canoe framework is a project worthy in itself....many skills to be learned there.
The PVC sheeting was inspired by the following YouTube Tube short video...