BOMBSHELL Testimony Exposes Over 137,000 Illegal Trafficked Ballots (VIDEO)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Mar 30, 2022.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    That is the claim in this article...

    Joe Biden was not elected president of the United States in 2020. First and foremost, let’s get it out of the way. Despite this, skeptics continue to demand real evidence to back up their claims. Conservative forces have been working hard for the past year to produce these data.

    In Wisconsin, one such shocking report just appeared. Let’s start by laying the foundation for why this latest revelation is so important. Wisconsin has a total of ten electoral votes. The “Badger State,” along with Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, would have a significant impact on the election’s outcome.

    Wisconsin, like every other state, has supplied enough evidence of blatant voter fraud to swing the election. Let’s focus on what’s been discovered in Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, Joe Biden is said to have won 13 counties.

    However, despite the minimal overall picture of the state, Biden’s final vote count was enough to steal the 10 electoral votes. Looking at a Wisconsin county map points to the first oddity. There was a scattering of five or six internal counties.

    But Biden’s votes came from three to the north and three in the southernmost part of the state. An overwhelming number of counties recorded a President Trump victory by 10 percentage points or higher.

    Now for the first peculiarity. Those counties Biden supposedly won have election commissions dominated by liberals. The oversight was poor at best, with most indications pointing to it being corrupted.

    One huge question surrounds the number of trafficked or illegal ballots. Liberals try to downplay the importance of this illegal activity. However, recently Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips testified before the Campaigns and Elections Committee in Wisconsin.

    These two have been ardently pursuing voter fraud during the 2020 election. They are from True the Vote. Engelbrecht and Phillips’ testimony dropped a bomb on Joe Biden’s self-proclaimed victory. He didn’t win.

    The two told the Wisconsin Assembly that their investigation revealed massive ballot trafficking at ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin. They believe the actual number of fraudulent ballots to exceed seven percent.

    These numbers translate into over 130,000 votes. Biden stole Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes by a 20,000 vote margin. He did not win Wisconsin. If anyone wants to debate an “illegitimate president”, Joe Biden is the poster child.

    Phillips went on to insist that True Vote has uncovered similar situations in every battleground state. Of course, these are the states that Joe Biden had to secure to steal the election. Again, Joe Biden and the liberal machine cheated.

    Phillips and Engelbrecht’s testimony was under oath. The consequences of lying are harsh. They are not lying. Joe Biden used various tactics to cheat. With COVID as a backdrop, the door to fraudulent activities, such as vote ballot trafficking, was flung wide open.

    The Democrats seized on the opportunity to cheat the system. There is no other fathomable way a popular president could lose an election to an old man who campaigned from his basement. Joe Biden cheated, period. Now, is anyone going to do anything about it?

    Patriotic Americans like Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips are at least trying. Others can do their part as well. Next November, our country will be able to tell Joe Biden and his fellow liberals what we think about cheaters. We need to be unmistakably emphatic.

    VIDEO on site... BOMBSHELL Testimony Exposes Over 137,000 Illegal Trafficked Ballots (VIDEO) [Video]
  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Unfortunately the damage has already been done by this illegal regime. Can it be saved I hope so
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I am totally convinced, without any doubt, that the last Presidential election was stolen. Furthermore, I am convinced lesser elections (congressmen, senators, etc.) have been stolen for a number of years but they never went so far as to steal a presidential election due to the scrutiny and fear of showing their hand. However, with a Trump win, and in the President's seat for another 4 years as a lame duck and nothing to lose, they knew he would set them back decades more so than he already had. Hell, the BIGGEST thing President Trump did was 1. proved there IS a Deep State, and 2. show the American people that things like energy self-sufficiency was a reality! They sure as hell can't deny it's not possible now.

    They were forced to steal the election to survive which is why they are pushing so hard to complete their policies or making them so damn hard to reverse because they know they probably cannot get away with stealing it again and will lose their a$$ come November.
  4. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Americans are resilient. They proved it during the Carter years, Obama, and will endure the inflation and threat of war with the current administration. In God we Trust....
    Seepalaces, duane and Tully Mars like this.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    They counted on Americans to be passive, they counted wrong! Damn the laws and rules, we the people can and should take back what was stolen from us, and that means giving the boot to any and all who made this all happen, from the top down, everyone who put a finger into Bidums win needs to spend a few years in jail, while a few need to be lined up against the wall and shot, Fauxie being a big one, not a politician, but a fucking asshole who has done far more then any one man should have the right or power to and yet, here we are!
    Seepalaces, techsar, duane and 3 others like this.
  6. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  7. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Susan Collins from the State of Maine said she will vote for the affirmative leftist Jackson for the Supreme Court. How the good people of Maine put up with this RHINO is beyond me. Even though I don't live in Maine this will affect all conservatives for years to come. I emailed Collins my thoughts which were very strong.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2022
  8. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Collins is rhino shit and only kind of acts like a Republican when it's her election year.
    The only difference between her and any regular Democrat is you would get dem votes for 6 out of 6 years with any Democrat instead of 5.5 out of 6 years with her. Basically no difference.
    Seepalaces, Altoidfishfins and duane like this.
  9. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Biden is president, he is the legal president per the Constitution. Like or not, the voters don't really count as far as the Constitution is set up. A properly proclaimed meeting of electors had a vote and selected him to be president. That is the end of it. Now if we want to have a food fight on the proper method of selecting the electors, yes we may, but per the Constitution, he has jumped thru all the hoops. That is why the whole Jan 6 th fight has been so severe, if the electors had not met, he would not be president. The democrats know the law and were terrified that the electors would not convene and have a vote, either due to a court challenge or due to a disruption at the capital. Under our system, the electoral college could select Aunt Herriet to be president, even if not one single voter voted for her and she would be president.

    While the presidential succession amendment sets up a system of replacing the president in case he can no longer serve and is an in depth selection process, it has no impact on the electoral college and each state can decide how the electors are to be slected.[flag]
    Seepalaces and hot diggity like this.
  10. Re: Post #6. What part of Chicago is this voter from?
    Seepalaces and hot diggity like this.
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