'Bird Ball' fire starting tinder

Discussion in 'Bushcraft' started by chelloveck, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It takes about 3.5 minutes to get to the tinder making part of the tutorial. I think the fine tinder would readily light whatever the means of ignition. make some in advance and impregnate with petroleum jelly as an alternative to char cloth.

  2. Navyair

    Navyair Monkey++

    I've used several tinder methods to start a fire. Cheap and good method is to collect drier lint and store it in zip lock bags or coffee cans. You can store a lot in a tiny area, so can carry it in a survival pack. Light with your flint/steel, magnifying glass, or fire starting appliance (lighter, arc lighter, etc). You can also use cotton balls and Vaseline (easy and cheap at the dollar store), you can carry a flamable such as nail polish remover, or rubbing alcohol in a small bottle (again dollar store), carry a small candle (dollar store), cut up pine bark into shavings. I personally keep 4-5 different methods of starting a fire in my kit bag and none of them take up much room. (Commercial fat wood, survival candles, etc).

    Also, if you've never seen steel wool burn, buy a pack, and break off a small section. Take a battery (any battery will do) and use the steel wool to connect between the + and - poles. Might want to use gloves to avoid getting burned.

    That is also why you NEVER store steel wool in its original packaging...store it in something air tight. When I was in my 20's, went to grab a steel wool from its pouch to work on refinishing some wood (the steel wool had been opened) in my garage. It had rusted a bit and as I pulled it out, it ignited in my hand. Fortunately, I dropped it on the concrete and nothing flammable was nearby. Last time I ever stored it in anything that wasn't air tight. But it does make a good fire starter...even without a battery it will burn with a good fire source.
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