Bill to Prioritize VA Resources for Veterans Over Illegal Aliens

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    seems there is some truth to the reports I got from a VA nurse about so many Dr. and nurses leaving the VA...

    perhaps they are leaving or left because of this requirement places on them about illegals???

    they see something they think is way out of line perhaps... hmmm...

    AMAC Supports Bill to Prioritize VA Resources for Veterans
    duane likes this.
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    For decades, the VA has needed real change, not just more window dressing or even more money - change! I think the majority of the VA hospitals/clinics/etc. should be done away with and let the vets use civilian medical services for one. Yeah, there are some good ones that are unique that not only need to be kept but enhanced and expanded like the Burn Center in San Antonio, Tx. The fact is the VA is just too large, so much so, no one can get their arms around it.

    Here is an interesting and real innovative idea, how about we don't have any senseless - meaning - no objective or no real purpose wars for a for a couple of decades...
  3. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    The VA budget needs to be protected my personal experience with the VA here in Charleston SC has been very good. I have several service connected disabilities related to agent orange exposure. Call me biased but all veterans must be taken care of- we who served at the command of the government (drafted) not by choice. F the illegals --why are we spending millions of dollars on these SOBs. I agree Bandit the US must stay out of all foreign conflicts we don't have the money and not one young American life is worth it.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
    Altoidfishfins and Bandit99 like this.
  4. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Guess I'm biased that way too, and I'm not a veteran.
    johnbb likes this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Rand Paul recently said something that struck a chord with me, " When did we become the Sugar Daddy to the rest of the world?"

    For example, I have no frikkin idea why we are giving money to the Palestinians either via USAID or the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency). I do not want their friendship any longer and don't give a damn what happens to them - period...that train is gone. You want to give them money - fine - please do so but out of your own pocket not mine.

    This is but one example how our treasury is misused, squandered away, given to others in the world instead of ourselves. I am damn sick of it. Frankly, I want all of it stopped. No more foreign aid, of any type, for anyone or anything and yes, that includes humanitarian aid. Let China, Russia and others step up and if they don't - tough.

    "But, Bandit, these are good causes?" 1. We're broke. 2. This financial situation was brought about by our representatives' lack of finance basics and pure incompetence. Our government cannot be trusted to spend our money wisely, proven time and time again. 3. America needs ALL its money at this point in history. Our own needs are not being met plus we should be paying off the debt not creating more...neither of these issues can be resolved by simply printing more money which simply grows our debt problem.

    Where in the hell does it say that the US government can simply give my tax money to foreign countries, organizations, or their cause of the week? The true and number #1 enemy of this country is not China or Russia or Iran. It is the US government.
    Zimmy, Mountainman and johnbb like this.
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