Biden’s Economy Will Be a Train Wreck

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HK_User, Feb 18, 2021.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    President Joe Biden sits alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, 2nd left, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, right, as he holds a meeting with business leaders about a Covid relief bill in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on Feb. 9, 2021. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)
    Biden’s Economy Will Be a Train Wreck
    Green policies risk the return of inflation
    Rupert Darwall

    February 18, 2021 Updated: February 18, 2021

    Warning lights should be flashing. Less than a month in, it’s becoming evident that President Joe Biden’s economic policies are likely to end in disaster. The wrong economic diagnosis and the politics of not letting any crisis go to waste is leading to the most damaging mix of economic policy in decades.

    The administration is in thrall to the Keynesian demand-management paradigm that treats every big economic downturn as a potential replay of the Great Depression, thus requiring massive fiscal and monetary stimulus to revive demand. But the Covid slump wasn’t driven by lack of demand, but by deliberate policy decisions taken by federal and state governments to close down economic activity for reasons of public health.

    For the time being, Covid policy is economic policy. The 11 states with the highest unemployment are all deep blue; they imposed some of the nation’s most draconian lockdown policies. Eleven of the 12 states with the lowest unemployment rates are red states. Thus, the pace of economic recovery will be dictated by how quickly the brakes are taken off measures to control the pandemic.

    Yet in response to a deliberately engineered supply-side contraction, the Biden administration’s prescription is a $1.9 trillion stimulus. This idea drew stinging criticism from no less than Larry Summers, the former Treasury secretary, who reckons the Biden stimulus is three times larger than the projected gap in output. Together with unprecedentedly loose monetary conditions overseen by Fed chair Jay Powell, we face “the risk of inflation expectations rising sharply,” Summers argued.

    As if on cue, the Fed chair stoked those expectations. “Frankly, we welcome slightly higher … inflation,” Powell declared last month. “The kind of troubling inflation people like me grew up with seems unlikely in the domestic and global context we’ve been in for some time,” he said—words that could well come back to haunt him should inflation take off.

    We’re already seeing inflation, at least of the policy kind. During the campaign, Biden said that America faced four historic crises, but the one he wanted to talk about was the “punishing reality of climate change” (the others being Covid, the economy, and a “reckoning on race”). By the time of the White House climate change briefing on Jan. 27, the number of crises had grown 50 percent. At that event, John Kerry, Biden’s climate envoy, spoke of “all six of the major crises” the president is facing (a reporter added immigration to the list, and Kerry tallied it as six). “Every single one of them is life and death.”

    Kerry and former EPA Administrator and now White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy were talking about the climate change executive order that Biden had just signed. “We face a climate crisis that threatens our people and communities, public health and economy, and, starkly, our ability to live on planet Earth,” the executive order proclaimed. Its purpose is to make fighting climate change the organizing principle of the Biden administration. “Climate change is the most significant public health challenge of our time,” McCarthy improbably claimed. Cutting carbon-dioxide emissions will reduce childhood asthma, Kerry suggested. “Quality of life will be better when Gina has put her team together that produces choices for us that are healthier, less cancer, cleaner air,” he added.

    Soon enough, the Biden administration will face a crisis of its own making—a policy-driven jobs crisis. As Keystone XL pipeline workers are finding out, creating the jobs of the future apparently involves destroying jobs of the present. As McCarthy coyly explains, “this is all about building the jobs of the future we want, not continuing to niddle at an economy that is no longer going to be where our future lies.”

    No job can sustainably pay more than the value of the output it generates without permanent subsidies. Incessantly incanting the mantra of “good-paying union jobs” doesn’t make it otherwise and can’t change the underlying economics of terminating high-productivity oil and gas jobs for low-productivity wind and solar ones. According to the American Enterprise Institute’s Mark Perry, it takes one worker in nuclear and natural gas to produce the same amount of electricity as 1.1 in coal, 5.2 workers in wind, and a whopping 45.8 workers in solar. The productivity penalty of wind and especially solar ineluctably means lower wages. “Solar jobs will be everywhere,” McCarthy said—implying that lots of poorly paying jobs will replace the high-paying ones that the administration is bent on eliminating.

    The president’s executive order also states that fighting climate change will be integral to U.S. foreign policy and national security. Though regarding climate change as a dire national security threat is overblown, viewing it through a national security lens can be helpful in one respect. Like fighting a war, fighting climate change requires the deployment of vast resources to a cause yielding little or no direct economic benefit. The benefits of climate policy arise only far into the future—if they arise, for their success depends on all major economies cutting their emissions, not just the United States. The benefits would take the form of reduced adverse impacts, not investments that generate faster economic growth and higher living standards. We sacrifice today for a less-worse future climate at some unspecified date.

    The economics of fighting climate change have less in common with the Great Depression-era economics of Keynes’s General Theory, from which demand-stimulus advocates draw their inspiration, than with his 1940 tract “How to Pay for the War.” Keynes worried that the extra spending power put in workers’ pockets by the war effort wouldn’t be absorbed by extra production of consumer goods, leading the economy to over-heat and to runaway inflation. “Every use of our resources is at the expense of an alternative use,” Keynes wrote.

    Far from being an economic win–win, climate policy is a lose–lose. Replacing energy derived from hydrocarbons with wind and solar energy shrinks the economy’s productive potential. Additionally, decarbonizing energy means that it becomes more expensive to make stuff and do things, like heating homes and powering factories. It’s why energy costs in Europe are a multiple of those in the United States. Decarbonization is therefore an inflationary double-whammy. It shrinks the output gap as the economy becomes less productive, and by putting more wind and solar on the grid, it makes the grid more fragile and pushes up energy costs, injecting cost-push inflation into the economy.

    Chairman Powell might think that the inflation of the 1970s is dead and buried. But he and the Biden administration are doing just about everything to turn the 2020s into a replay.

    From RealClearWire.

    Rupert Darwall is a senior fellow of the RealClear Foundation and author of “Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex” and the report “The Climate Noose: Business, Net Zero, and the IPCC’s Anti-Capitalism.”

    Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
  2. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    • Eliminate thousands of high paying jobs on your first day in office: check
    • Increase minimum wage thereby creating instant inflation removing buying power from savings and retirement accounts: check
    • Increase the cost of energy stunting all non and most service based industry jobs - the sort that pay minimum wage: check
    • Destabilize the Middle East by kowtowing to Iran which inevitably further increases the cost of energy: check
    • Pledge to destroy the fossil fuel industry effectively send yet more US manufacturing to China and other offshore locations making yet more US workers jobless: check
    Dunerunner, apache235, oldawg and 4 others like this.
  3. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Add to the previous post Bidumb plans to raise corporate taxes which will eliminate jobs or send companies back off shore.
    $15 dollar minimum wage will increase unemployment as small business can't absorb that cost.
    Cost of goods and services will increase due to transportation fuel costs.
    Cost of food will rise -farmers need fuel to plant, fertilize, harvest, process,
    Cost of livestock feed will rise adding to the already high cost of meat
    Bidumb administration is nothing more than the Odumbo administration on Steroids.
    An ill wind blows from DC
    Yard Dart, Lancer, oldawg and 2 others like this.
  4. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I have put some money into crypto in anticipation of the coming hyper inflation. I have been dumping a lot for many years into crypto. When the hyper inflation starts 2/28 we should see bitcoin start growing by about $20k/month. We should see about $220,000.00 by the end of the year. Of course I am not giving you financial advice. I'm just a monkey who makes more with crypto than my job. Zcoin, Zcash, and Monero seem to be the best coins when it comes to privacy. Bitcoin and Etherium seem to be the best when it comes to stability. Worth looking into as a hedge vs inflation. YMMV
  5. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    And so goes the D.C. war on the middle class.
    Dunerunner, HK_User and johnbb like this.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    wait for him to put in place price freezes for goods and services.
    then it's over.
  7. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    You can't be king unless.

    You have Serfs
    People Hate You
    Your Ego is damaged.
    Yours is not the biggest
    You have a big fence around your home.
    You have National Guard covering your ass.
  8. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    going grocery shopping? Don't forget the wheelbarrow.

    Think it can't happen here? Check out our Socialist friends to the South//

    already going on in this hemisphere...wait till it hits your backyard

    with pork-stuffed, multi-Trillion $ 'relief' packages, it is just around the corner.
    Alf60 and Dunerunner like this.
  9. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Yep, Gremany after WW I hyper inflation, Venezuela, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). Next time TX takes a hit like this they will be burning worthless greenbacks to keep warm.
    Altoidfishfins and Dunerunner like this.
  10. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Let it Rain!!!

    The sooner the gloves come off and people see what Pedo and Hoe truly are, the sooner we can be rid of them!!!!!

    Remember this, folks voted for these too ass clowns, and even though they managed to pull off the biggest scam in history by stealing the election, were still stuck with them until they get removed by hook or by crook!
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