Anybody watching the Democrat National Convention?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hot diggity, Aug 21, 2024.

  1. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Altoidfishfins and Seawolf1090 like this.
  2. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I actually thought they did that a few weeks ago.

    And yes, no TV here either.
    Seawolf1090 likes this.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    OMG, I've been watching it. So many hours of my life have been wasted but opposition research.
    This election isn't going to be a cakewalk .. so much propaganda.
    It's even got more than we had at the RNC convention.

    The Ds are going to get all the votes out this november. If you want trump to win .. all the Rs are gonna have to be there too.
  4. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    I wont watch in in the sammer manner i wont watch a flesh eating disease eat my friends and neighbors.
    mysterymet and Zimmy like this.
  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    My TV remains dark, since I finally cancelled the DISH TV service my Mom had in this home. I kept it for a few years after she passed but I watched it less and less, and it kept getting more expensive. Just wasn't worth it. And I never watched the news anyway.
    mysterymet and SB21 like this.
  6. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    What I saw in the short time I watched was lots of incoherent chanting, awful musical interludes that lasted a long time, a DJ that played disjointed tunes during the roll call and more dead air.

    The excitement that was present at the RNC is absent. I couldn't take much more of this convention. It looked like a snoozer.
    SB21, mysterymet, Brokor and 2 others like this.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Ignoring the opposition puts you at a disadvantage.
    You observe, learn and draw up a plan to counter their plans.
    Otherwise, you'll not even have a plan or plan B.

    yes, this is freaking painful. The lies and vitriol and propaganda and their future plans.
    They are putting that all out there so you can prepare for their actions.

    The republicans do the same.

    Ignoring them is at your own peril.
    mysterymet and Zimmy like this.
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    You may wish to consider moving to a different neighbourhood :eek:
  9. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Absolutely NOT
  10. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    nothing but a pizzed off Biden slamming the door on his own azz and nothing but Trump bashing >>> even the whitewashing media is laughing at the lack of anything worthwhile >>>

    they got the DNC celebs that don't have anything good to say about the candidates and don't want to be caught lying about the Biden Administration >>> no changes to the good because everything is now perfection

    soooooooooo - it's Trump bashing over & over
    Bandit99 and Brokor like this.
  11. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    My hope is that there’ll be an audience full of weeping folks on election night just like in 2016, even some ladies cried. Lol.
    Yard Dart and Seawolf1090 like this.
  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    That's pretty much everything. Mostly all lies and really poor attacks on Trump, who is still living rent-free in all of their heads.
    True, we shouldn't ignore these crazies. The main takeaway is often all too familiar, however. They have no real strategy, they are parasites feeding off the hatred and stupidity they exude. The primary function (I wouldn't even call it a tactic because it's so ridiculous) of the Left appears to be deflect and project, never actually answering questions and only blaming Trump. However, from time to time we can catch a glimpse of the apparatus in motion, those who pull the strings and guide the inept, clueless, and utterly despicable Leftists to do their bidding. I don't know about most people, but I find it rather easy to recognize a CIA talking point and understand the impact on those who still support the radical Leftists.

    One more point to make, and it pertains to all of the fallout concerning this hyped Democrat Convention. We all probably know Kamala is very unpopular, that's a given based on her own record and something we call 'history'. The very fact that the CIA media is sponsoring her, lying about her popularity, and using phony polls to make it appear as though she and Trump are neck-and-neck right out of the precisely what they require to pull off another stolen election. They do not require actual popularity, they do not require real favor and support from the American people -they only require the illusion of such. Once they pull the levers, get all the blank ballots they require, and rig another machine vote election, none of this will even come into focus again. They will accuse Trump of being a sore loser, they will point at you and everybody else who dares to question the legitimacy of our democracy in action. Just like how Biden was very unpopular and weak and clearly lost the election (for those of us not glued to a television for answers) but somehow managed to become the most popular President in history, the Kamala event will be equally successful. And how many will even bat an eyelash?

    It's all fake. And this is the terrible future in a nutshell.
    Yard Dart, Alf60, Seawolf1090 and 4 others like this.
  13. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I have watched a few minutes as I briefly see it on RAW Fox News and/or Real America's Voice which are covering it. I normally watch the banners on both to get a fast update for the news so sometimes listen for a few minutes to see if they have anything to say before muting the sound but it's always the same BS. Always about how bad Trump is, and he must be stopped. I mean, they have had 4-years to implement their policies which have proven, at the very least, ineffective, at the worse, disastrous so they don't talk too much about Domestic policies and certainly not international policies which have been borderline catastrophic. So, it's Trump, over and over so one really doesn't need to listen to it be repeated.

    I must admit that I find it scary that after 4-years of this madness they still have this much support. Yeah, it scares me. I cannot understand anyone that could continue to support these idiots. I mean, how could they? So, I hate to say it, but I believe they intend and will steal the election once again. Everything they are doing now is merely a cover for this.
  14. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes! Yes! A thousand times, YES! Deflection is their battle tactic. Illusion of popularity is their grand strategy. In the end, none of it matters, they're just place holders and sets the stage, as they intend to steal the election and by doing so hold the moral and legal high ground. For once the presidential election is called it will almost be impossible to reverse - no matter what. They don't have a choice and will play all the cards they have.

    EDIT: I got to say it: I'm really afraid, friggin terrified. It is all going to come tumbling down via some sort of civil war or we'll be so enslaved and financially ruin that we'll never be able to raise our heads again. There simply isn't any other options.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2024
    Tempstar, mysterymet, Zimmy and 2 others like this.
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    And considering their perceived popularity, the Leftists have the CIA/NSA/DHS collective operating on their behalf. This means every social media site, every platform will have thousands of bots performing their bidding. I have been watching these 'popular' Leftists on 'X' for a year or two. I've estimated about 10,000 bots just based on the number of likes these accounts continuously receive. On the surface, this doesn't count for actual evidence of any kind, I know this. But, if you take any normal account and apply the very same rule, you will find a deviation much higher, but with these legacy Leftist accounts, it's always about 10,000 likes, no matter what they post. There's other cases and scenarios, especially on platforms like Reddit, which is mostly Euro-Trash and completely inundated with Communists, but the end result is the same. And this is just internet. It's obvious how well controlled the CIA media has become. I just think of the internet as the final frontier, and it is one the totalitarians will be heavily focused on controlling. In fact, I imagine this season will be a possible catalyst for heavy crack-downs online, and much of it is centered around social media. With the control of information, any future elections will be a breeze to control. Right now we see Elon and X remaining as the sole social media platform allowing and championing free speech, even if there are others like Rumble and Bitchute to a much lesser extent.

    One major platform might not be enough to check this radical leftist juggernaut. The bots are still on the loose.

    I also wanted to add one final point to consider. Back before the Covid plandemic, YouTube still had upvoting and down-voting standardized for every video. After the legacy media bombed continuously, receiving record numbers of dislikes per video, I mean it was obvious WHO real people are in this country. Every Fox video received ten times the number of likes vs. dislikes at least. And every Liberal media video was seriously, and I mean seriously smacked down. And what does YouTube do?

    They removed the option for content creators to have voting on their videos. The CIA media can roam about the cabin spreading disinfo all day long with impunity and nobody will really know how many REAL Americans dislike their propaganda.
    VisuTrac, Zimmy and duane like this.
  16. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Interesting point. I like many others no longer have a TV or any mass media print subscription. 6 men may control the mass media, but fewer and fewer of the non sheep are watching it and of those that do, they seem to be watching the game shows etc. The fight now is for the X, etc. Don't watch those either. Did not watch Republican convention and will not watch Democrat. Two sides of the same coin. If Trump wins and lives, the swamp will continue to dominate, if he is kept out, the change will continue.

    I am 86 and in retrospect a very few things have dominated my lifetime. In retrospect a few elements have created changes that in the long run changed everything. The first was the killing of JFK and that allowing the creation of the great changes that destroyed the black family and institutionalized poverty as a government ran business. The second was the powers that be getting rid of Nixon. He did nothing that hasn't become common today. Dirty tricks are now as always been a dominate part of party politics. His removal and the appointing of Ford indicated that the swamp now was in charge and could and would replace anyone who wouldn't play ball. Trump's 4 years only reinforced that belief. The third was 9-11. The passing of the security bills and reorganizations took place in a few weeks. All carefully planned to institutionalize the swamp and its status quo. Interesting that all the bills and plans were already available and that the old never let a good crisis go to waste attitude was available. Thus with first Clinton and later Obama, we have the division of the country into the races, ethnic groups and other economic groups and its hope and change. At this point it has co opted the educational and media to serve its purpose. I feel that without Regan and Trump, the battle would be over and 90 % of the population would not even realized that there had been a battle. The wild card here has been the internet and alternative view points and a forum of discussion. The powers that be are working on that and between fake news and AI may be able to contain that weakness. Will see in a few weeks if mass media and control of the voting process can give us a new puppet or if we can delay the hope and change for a few more years. Big problem is Republicans fight among them selves for this election and Democrats plan for generations. New illegal voters are an example of this system, Millions brought in under Regan legalization as citizens have been reliable Democratic voters for many years.
    Yard Dart, mysterymet and Zimmy like this.
  17. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    We already know what they're going to say.
    I watched a few minutes at a time and it only verifies that.
    Not too much point in covering old ground.

    Check your ammo and food reserves.
    If this thing goes sideways both may get scarce. PMs may not be a bad idea either.
    May want to pick up a few extra hi-cap mags while you still can.
    duane and Zimmy like this.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Brokor I got to agree with you and, yes, obviously we cannot not prove it but the scale in which this stuff occurs shows that it is well funded, professionally done, and security is tight which itself points to only a few organizations...and they are all government organizations so...pretty much a no-brainer especially when one considers what these agencies have been caught doing in recent years.

    @duane "The first was the killing of JFK and that allowing the creation of the great changes that destroyed the black family and institutionalized poverty as a government ran business." I believe the killing of JFK solidified their power and gave them confidence to push forward. The videos of 9/11, specially building #7...which I remember reading held financial records of trillions of dollars which was missing, sort of made me wake up and start looking harder at these infamous historical events. I hope someday either by mistake or insider the rest of the records are released that shows the truth. It happened concerning the Lusitania shipping manifest (2014) which shows without a doubt the nation was lied to in order to enter WW1...probably in fear of an Allied loss which would lead to a loss of billions of dollars in loans.
    duane likes this.
  19. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I watched enough to see ONE thing only that they are promising, and it makes me laugh my ass off, then scares the hell out of me!

    Kamal Toe is promising to make things better for the country, while she sat on Her Fat Ass the last four years and did absolutely NOTHING but complain about how bad Trump did during his term! She promises to make a Paradise like California, which is Dem speak for We're Gonna Fuck this Shit Up Like You Never Seen! Tax the hell out of the middle class to spread the wealth and give to the poor, cause how much do you really need! We're gonna cut spending on Police and enforcement, were going to empty out the jails cause they are biased against black men, and we're gonna tax the fuck outta ya to pay for it all! We're gonna give free health care to all the illegals that are already here, and we're gonna welcome all the rest, cause we got too damn many white folks here as it is! There absolutely WILL be a civil war if those two Twats get elected, no doubt about it at all now!

    Yea, I watched it here and there, mostly got the highlights/cliff notes, but see nothing good on that horizon, We absolutely have to beat these two ass clowns or we are well and truly fucked, period!
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2024
    Yard Dart, Zimmy, Alf60 and 4 others like this.
  20. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    plenty of weeping back in 2016 because they actually believed Ole Hellery should have won - a WOMAN prez !!!!!!!!

    and there was actual fear from the dumbest of the dumbest that the DNC Trump lies were actually going to happen - queers going underground - abortionists running for the hills - women forming protection gangs - blacks hiding their children >>>>

    a lot less Trump apprehension - the old lies aren't even working - and they remember it was better times under Trump ....
    duane, Bandit99 and Meat like this.
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