Anarchy? Evolution? New directions.

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by enloopious, May 1, 2022.

  1. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    People always ask me how I see the future. How can I be so certain about where the people of earth are going when we have so many idiots. What type of government should we have? Not really sure anarchy is a great term but maybe neo-anarchy is a better description. It seems the world is changing and there is a lot of potential for the future to go in crazy directions. Right now we have the option to go in pretty much any direction. Society is unstable and collapsing but also being reborn.

    We could go back to the dark ages very easily. We could go to a dystopian future where everyone lives in the Matrix. There are so many options but I think if you could actually choose the direction it would have to be in the direction of bettering mankind. You want to put a label on it, go ahead. It doesn't matter and is not important. You want an example from the past? Its where the US was headed before we got attacked. The country suffered a massive blow that proved to be fatal.

    We had an attack on our country from the inside back in 1913. We can see the results today.

    "Edward Mandell House had this to say in a private meeting with President Wilson, Woodrow

    “[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.

    Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal Plausible Deniability

    Plausible deniability is the process by which a country, agency, or individual maintains the ability to deny involvement in an operation. For instance, if there is no record that you received a memo, you could read the memo but still profess ignorance. Compartmentalization of our government agencies allows secret project groups to set up exclusive lines of communication. In this way the most powerful people are able to coordinate the actions of many who have no knowledge of their role in(...)

    ">plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this Coup d’état

    Also known simply as a coup (koo), it is the illegal and overt seizure of a state by the military or other elites within the state apparatus. A coup d'état is considered successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days. Although the coup d'état has featured in politics since antiquity, the phrase is of relatively recent coinage; the Oxford English Dictionary identifies it as a French expression meaning a "stroke of state". The phrase did not appear within an(...)

    In this way the wealth and freedom of our country was stolen and given to the dictators of the world. We demand it back. Using murder, fiat currency, fear mongering, and massive manipulation they were able to destroy America subtly. Today we are seeing the end results of their actions. They planned this situation we are in today.

    The paper money was always meant to collapse. you don't have a choice. The thieves would be long gone by the time the people figured it out. We have become so used to our chains of slavery that people are now defending them. People are so stupid that they willingly register their children with "social security" even though it has collapsed. They use fiat even though it went up 50-100% last year. They believe the lies the television tells them even though they are caught over and over and over again. Maybe we all deserve what we get for being so stupid but my children don't. They had no say in this and no chance to ever escape.

    There are some bright signs. The people will have to evolve. They have no choice. Some things point to a positive future but if people don't start fighting for it, it will never happen. It is kind of like space travel. It is not guaranteed. If we don't do it, it doesn't happen. We went to the moon in the 1960s. Then what? Nothing for 60 years. If SpaceX didn't come around we would not be going very far today. The people have to make it happen. You have to actually do something.

    Bitcoin is a positive sign. I would say gold and silver but that is currently being manipulated and probably always will be. Bitcoin was a gift from god. Notice I don't say crypto, because those are the same as fiat. Bitcoin is on a whole other level than crypto. It is not centrally run and controlled and manipulated. Will people see that the new central bank digital currency (CBDC) is not freedom? CBDC is slavery. I doubt the majority of idiots will figure out that its the same thing as paper only worse. We don't need them. The path to enlightenment come from within.

    You can not force people to be smarter. You can't even teach them. Most people are unwilling to learn and actually determined not to. They don't see anything but themselves. They want to be right in every conversation but are not willing to learn anything. We see the irony. The only thing you can do is lead by example. That is the most effective thing any leader can do and yes, we should all be leaders. Thats how it used to be.

    We now have the internet. All of the information is right at our fingertips. We can see the lies from television pointed out in real time. We can look up the recipe to make our own nuclear weapons. We can build rockets, guns, houses, farms, what ever we want to make the world a better place. You have it all available. Everything you need to be free is right at your fingertips.

    The only thing holding us back now is our government. They invade every aspect of our lives. They steal our money with their protection racket. They steal your children, poison them, poison your food, poison our education, poison the world. They are deceivers who get rich by sucking our life blood. They have enslaved us all and we let them. What is the difference between a dog license and a driver license?

    There are solutions to all of these things. No its not going to be easy but we can all just walk away. You will realize as you do that there is nothing they can do but try to scare you. That is their only real tool: fear. Everything you need and want is available for you to go get but it takes work. If you want food you need to plant it and raise it. If you want someone else to do that then it evolves into what we have today. Why not use technology to do the farming? Don't go out and use a hoe to dig up 1000 acres. We have all kinds of tools and tech to make our land work hundreds of times better and more productive. Move forward not back. The answers are there.

    Teamwork. We all need to team up and help each other out to get more individual freedom. If you make a person self sufficient they can take care of themselves but also they can help you. If I help build your house you can help build mine. If a hundred people build a house they can build houses for all 100 very quick and easy. If I defend your property from invaders you can help defend mine. Maybe you call it barter but I call it freedom. If you take that and use Bitcoin as the marker then we have just eliminated the fed from the transaction. No leeches sucking off your life's blood and ruining the world.

    Maybe it is a steampunk world I am thinking of but we need to go back to where we were at in 1900 and take back our future. America was the bright leading example of freedom for the world to follow with so much potential. Since our government is screwed and the world has gone insane we have a chance to actually make this happen. I'm pretty sure its actually happening already. I meet a lot of people every day who already do all of these things. The question is who is going to join and who is going to be left behind.

    There's a lot more to this idea/rant but I can't post it online, and really, its kind of a waste of time. People don't learn from it, they just nit pick it. But I will say this, do you think that Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or Howard Hughes asked for permission and advice from other people to do the things they have done? Only a fool would ask for advice from losers. Example: NASA regulates SpaceX but was not able to do in 80 years, with all kinds of tax payer dollars extorted, what Elon Musk did in 20 with his own money. Now he is waiting on their approval for his testing which will be delayed again. Government is bad for people in every way. They want us stuck in the past with them on top.
    Last edited: May 1, 2022
  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    People tend to ask how would I re-imagine government to fit my version of utopia. It is an insulting question for both me and themselves. Utopia is, on its face, not possible. Let me ask you this, how much do you interact with government on a daily basis. Other than giving them money, do you do it at all? How often do you pour over law books to see if you are violating a law? It used to be even less.

    The way I see it is if I am not violating another's property rights then there is never a reason to need or use the government. In my area they have a statute that you can not build anything larger than 12x12 without paying the city. How does this help anyone? It doesn't. It keeps the people suppressed. Now we see the real goal of the state.

    If you remember the old story of the king teaching his son how to rule by riding around the wheat field and chopping the tops off the tallest grains of wheat. This is how they do it only they convince the wheat to tell them when one gets too tall. This is how they stifle mankind and drive it into the dark ages. Government on all levels is antithetic to the people. They are the enemy. They are short sighted, self centered, greedy, malicious, and willing to sacrifice the future of all mankind to make a buck. These people need to be eliminated but what to do?

    You can't go around shooting all of the politicians no matter how much they deserve it. People tend to frown on that sort of thing. Even if you prove that they are Jack the Ripper the people still frown on you shooting them in the face. It's really quite simple. You stop supporting them. Walk away. Don't participate in any way. If you want to build that shed then build it. Don't ask for permission ever. If all else fails you ask for forgiveness after. Learn the difference between local, state, federal, and common laws and then use that knowledge. Make them fight for every inch. They will give up.

    The real solution is to educate yourself. If you really want to make a difference you need to educate yourself. There are a lot of resources out there and some in places you wouldn't expect. Every statute that has been created has a remedy. If you want to avoid them you need to do some research and be willing to fail before you succeed. Ideally we would all just walk away from the government at once. There is nothing they could do in that situation but it obviously wont happen. So what do you do? Go back to the source.

    We all know that in 1913 they created the bankruptcy of America and enslaved all of its people. Sir Edward Mandell House (of england) told us this via a letter to President Wilson. In 1933 they put their heist into action and got rid of the gold standard. This was the rulers of the world telling us we were now slaves and did not deserve real money. We got paper instead. To get back what was lost we need to go back to that time when it ended. What did we lose and how do we get it back? The laws are all still there. They still exist and are IN USE TODAY by people who are actually free.

    The Constitution STILL says that the only valid money is gold and silver. Where did it go? It is still there and all Americans are free to use gold and silver. Why don't they? Fear and ignorance. I have seen many businesses that will accept payment in gold and silver. I have seen corner markets, large farms, well drilling companies, private businesses, ice cream shops, burger stands, there are a lot more but I was actually looking for them. I asked and found them. Gold and silver has only been put on hold. Federal reserve notes prove this. If you do enough research you will find out.

    In America we have what they call the kings folly. Don't know what that is? It means we all own our land free and clear of all liens, taxes, and encumbrances forever. It can't be taken away from us lawfully. Does that seem to apply today? Not so much unless you know where to look. The land patent on your land gives you all of this. Haven't read your land patent? That is why they can take it and tax it. Ignorance. There is a house about 20 minutes from me that is owned by a very wealthy family. The house has been abandoned and it has never paid taxes and there is no deed on it. They have no address and no mail box. The house is beautiful and I wanted to buy it so I went to the town office to find all of this info and it didn't exist. When I asked the clerk, they were fully aware of it. She said that the house is a "special case". They still had the land patent from the General Land Office (GLO).

    The second amendment guarantees your right to ALL arms. Can you buy a bazooka? Can you buy a tank? A nuke? If we were free we could. The people should have all of the same rights and freedoms as the government? No. They should have more! The people are in charge of the government. Can you wrap your head around that? The only way to have freedom is for the people to be better armed than their government. It is a fact and yet people will fight against the idea. Fighting for their own enslavement. Ironic? The founders knew that new weapons would be created all the time so they didn't specify what type of arms the people should be restricted to. To them the idea that the government should be in charge was the biggest fear they had. Remember Biden saying that you need tanks and nukes to take on the government? He was also pointing out that he would use them against us. If, for example, someone you know had a nuclear bomb. Obviously this wouldn't happen but let's use this example. Would it worry you? Would you do something about? Talk about it. Tell your neighbors? You bet we all would. Now let's say that your neighbor is Joseph Stalin or Hitler or Clinton or Biden. Those are known psychopaths who are willing to, and have, killed others. You feel better with them having nukes? I don't.

    The law does not apply to slaves. Statutory law was made via the 14th amendment to apply to slaves. You have to voluntarily give away your freedom to become a slave in America. Who would do that? Everyone. Fear and ignorance compelled us all to do so. I went to the DMV to get a drivers license and signed it with USC 1-308 all rights reserved and the lady at the counter erased it! She said when you get a license you are giving away your right to travel freely. That right is guaranteed in the Constitution. Can you give it away? The state does not have the power to override the Constitution but they do it every day unlawfully. People have no concept of what they do. Most of us have a license (yes like a dog) but we don't know how to get those rights back. All statutes have a remedy, remember? To get those rights back you must file a form to return your license. Each state has a different form. But that is only half the battle. The other half is knowing how to defend yourself when being attacked. There are people doing this right now all over the country and having success. My best friend did the whole process and not only does he not get stopped by the police but they actually know to leave him alone so they aren't wasting their time trying to give him a ticket.

    The point being that since our government has been bankrupt for 100 years and is now in foreclosure, we NEED to start taking those rights back or face permanent slavery. They are selling off the assets, land, and infrastructure to other countries. One of those assets is the people. We need to all wake up right now.

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    The American people own this country and have all of the tools necessary to take it back. Unfortunately they are living in cowardice, fear, and ignorance. The only difference between the Republicans and Democrats is how they handle the liquidation of our assets. Don't believe this is happening? Brokor posted a most thorough and enlightening thread many years ago detailing all of it.

    The most redeeming asset I believe Trump has is that he knows how this type of bankruptcy works and has the experience to deal with this situation. He has saved a lot of businesses in his life and done a really good job of it with very large corporations. With out being able to put their fingers on it, that is why the American people like him so much. He gave us all hope that we can save our country from being divided up between the powerful elite. That was their plan: To rape the corpse of America and divvy up the assets like that girl in the mortal play from Interview with the Vampire. From this perspective you can see why Trump was the biggest threat to the power elite of the world and vilified beyond reason.

    Americas only hope is now its people.

  3. avagdu

    avagdu Monkey++

    I believe.
    enloopious likes this.
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