Amazing what you can get done

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by plumberroy, Mar 14, 2022.

  1. plumberroy

    plumberroy Monkey+

    When you don't act like a jackass. We are a union shop. I took the steward for our shop mainly to look after our guys. There has been a few problems that the union and management butted heads on lately because of attitude. We had an issue with on call pay. I pulled the section of Company policy not the union contact that plainly said how we are to be paid. I have them dead to right . Instead of charging in demanding this in a grievance which usually ends up in a pissing match that takes 3 months to get results, I approached the manager from the point of this is a minor problem . Let's see if we can work it out together . Handed him documents . He says this isn't how I was told to pay you have a point by this afternoon company is correcting the issue and back paying everyone who deserves it. Or Union business manager who had demanded I file a grievance, called asking where we are on the issue . Seemed shocked when I informed him that the issue was corrected and we will see back pay in the next pay period.
    Seepalaces, natshare, Ura-Ki and 10 others like this.
  2. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Unions HAD a place sometime ago, now they are the same POS as the .GOV
    Look at the airline pilots , all jabbed up , I won't fly , seen a few Vaccidents from this
    Just today :
    car in ditch.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2022
    Seepalaces, toydoc and Ura-Ki like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Pretty amazing graphic...I'm guessing there are decades of similar graphics prior to the creation of Covid 19 Vaccinations...such bad parking incidents were then, as now attributable to alcohol, drugs, hypoglycaemia, driver fatigue, and/or high speed blow-jobs among other causes. ;)

    If Slothful anecdotal evidence perceived to be attributable to the alleged health consequences of Covid19 vaccination deters one from flying...that seems to me to be a personal decision that one is free to make, even if it is not necessarily a rational evidence based decision.

    Please provide evidence that aircraft are falling out of the sky at a greater rate as a consequence of Covid19 vaccination mandates than before the Covid19 worldwide pandemic...that might be a little more persuasive.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
    adkpete and hot diggity like this.
  4. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Back to the subject, unions HAD a place, years ago.
    I was in a union when I had a PT job in college, hated it, but loved it. Hated it because it limited what I could do and took money I earned for their "Dues", which I don't believe I ever benefited from. Loved it because in my 4 hour shift, I could complete everything assigned in 2, then sit and do homework the rest of the shift. Really, I would have rather helped others or done more tasks, but the union said my assigned duties were all I was allowed to do. I could do it in 2 hours or 4 hours, but 4 hours is what was allotted and that is what I was paid for. Just wasn't a job for me, seemed to hold everyone down and didn't let you try to excel. Gave my notice after a month and swore I would never have another union job.
    My dad on the other hand loved his, because they actually did something and kept his work environment safe (worked in a coal/refuse burning power plant).
  5. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    The problem with unions is that they eventually become political, either within themselves or in concert with state politicians if they represent state employees. Politicians are always looking for support from unions for campaign contributions or endorsements.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    ^^^^^^^^ NAILED IT! ^^^^^^^^
  7. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    There have been a few military pilots grounded because of symptoms similar to civilian symptoms from the jabs .
  8. plumberroy

    plumberroy Monkey+

    If you are a tradesman union is where you can make the most money. You usually have good safe working conditions. I took the steward job to take care of our shop. Instead of the standard practice of the union reps of charging in demanding what ever . I walk in politely pointed out the problem suggested we could work this out without a pissing match. By the end of the day it was fixed with no issues
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    The Teamsters fought me tooth and nail to get my guys to sign up under one of their contracts, I had to sit the crew down and explain to them what THAT would cost them as well as me, it was very obvious the union wasn't in anyone's best interest but the unions! As an owner/operator, I get into pissing matches all the time with the Teamsters, they seem to have trouble understanding that I'm an Owner/Operator, and I'm my own employee, so there is no benefit to me for any coverages or representation they might have. I think they are trying to get me to expand again, take on another crew that they can then lean on! If anything, that would fall under the Fraternal Firefighters Brotherhood, but I don't see the union covering contractors on HotShot crews!

    I understand why unions exist, but I don't believe they are as needed as they once were. My Mom was a teacher, so she was forced into the Teachers Union, back when she first started, there was major issues between the school and union, and having the Union was a major benefit to the teachers, kept the district from walking all over the teachers and screwing them on their pay and benefits. Not sure how it is today,( likely just as bad or worst) so I'm sure that's a place where they are in need!
  10. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Once a strong union man when I felt there were two sides to the coin - they ensured a quality workforce to management at the same time ensuring we were decently paid.

    Then I got involved during a strike that never needed to take place and learned they were about their own goals and interests and we were just a reason for them to have power and make money. Once their objectives were met (rumor was paid off) the strike was over and anyone who picketed were on their own, many were replaced by scabs that management got to keep.

    I'll never work for a union again. At one time they were needed, but even the "good" ones destroyed entire industries by over inflating wages.
  11. plumberroy

    plumberroy Monkey+

    End of the he day , and it's part of where I work . I am the best person at the moment to take care of our shop HVAC/plumbing our local business manager isn't happy about me being voted in because have on more than one occasion called him out for B.S. or when he was trying to not follow the contract. Etc.
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