Amanda Knox case - murderer released early!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fl4848, Aug 12, 2023.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    Can you believe they released the murderer from the Amanda Knox case? They released him early because he was an African migrant. They totally buried this in the news media, and you can only find this story on the wayback machine:

    Rudy Guede released: Man convicted of British student Meredith Kercher's murder is freed early from prison

    So the true story of the Amanda Knox case was that the government was planning a future African migrant invasion of Italy (which we have all witnessed), so they didn't want bad press for African migrants before the invasion. So they protected the obvious murderer and distorted the media to make it look like Amanda Knox killed Kercher. Then, when they finally had to admit that Guede had killed Kercher (after torturing Amanda Knox for years), they reduced Guede's 30 year sentence to 17 years. Then they let him out early for good behavior!

    So this was really a crime of the corrupt media and the Globalist cabal. I had forgotten about this until now, and didn't know what really happened because of the media covered it up, distorted the true story, and put attention on an innocent girl, to hide their future plot against the country of Italy. It was hushed in the MSM. Sick.
    Bandit99, Zimmy, Dont and 2 others like this.
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