After action report on covid 19 pandemic by US House of Represenatives.

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by duane, Dec 7, 2024.

  1. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    It has an index and a summery. At 557 isn't light reading, but it basically said, that the tighter your tin foil hat was, the more likely you were to knowing the true picture. It is a reference on the pandemic and an indication of what Trump could do to some other creatures of the swamp.

    Please for all of our good go and read the first 3 pages and I strongly suggest that you read the Chapter headings for a total of 14 pages. It is backed by the rest of the report and indicates the value of having a Republican House for the last 2 years in the 118 Congress. No way Nasty Nancy would have let a report like this out,

    On page 40 of the pdf, one expert states that it is almost impossible that it was a natural event. Out of a known 872 virus samples of viruses in that family, it has unique factors found in none of the others.

    And a very technical discussion on why it appears to be engineered and chance of being natural is very small. Even smaller if bat was not base for mutation. Again first few pages are well worth looking at. A very very deep rabbit hole and it may indicate that the A bomb is a rather harmless toy when compared to gene splicing and virus manipulation.

    The origin of SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site remains a mystery

    Don't need no stinking A bombs, can kill most of human race with junior college labs and a couple of PhD students from God knows where. A very deep rabbit hole and survival techniques for the prepper will require a very different mind set and survival tools. Isolation and filtration, perhaps using ultra violet lights, lab type suits and containment , but keeping it out instead of in. Lots of thought games going on here. As fiction goes, could be food attack instead. Book called I think No Blade of Grass gives one view of plant disease. Several others I have read deal with either food diseases or pandemics. It isn't if it will happen, it is when it will happen. Black death in past, Native Americans, North and South, nearly wiped out by disease when contacting people from overseas. Hawaii and Pacific islanders had same problems. But then they gave us gifts too. All without any modern technology.

    Put this in archive section I hope. Main stream press, even Fox, seems to be ignoring it. Not some crazy right wing video, but the US House of Representatives official report. Well documented and sworn statements. If the Democrats had won control of the House, it would be buried so deep that you would have to be a coal miner to find it.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
    Minuteman and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    the G-damn DNC political weaponizing of the whole Covid deal just might the stupidity that takes down the US - if not the freaking World .....

    if China decides to be desperate & stupid enough to try their bio & chem warfare on Taiwan - or some idiot terrorists get their hands on something >>> going to be near to impossible to get the American public to accept an honest to goodness pandemic disaster - it'll be spread high & low across the Country before anyone actually believes the lethality .....

    in IL the dumbazz Gov Pritzker got his hands on the state thru the emergency dictator law - road that horse to the very end >>> never ever will anyone that has a true set of balls accept that type of emergency rule again - true for a good part of the USA
    duane likes this.
  3. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    We saw a bad winter flu, the jab was the goal, a depopulation shot.
    duane likes this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    All coronaviruses are man-made. And they all utilize influenza to propagate. On day one we knew everything we needed to know, but the mainstream media propaganda machine took over. When they announced a "vaccine" and kept repeating this was a "disease", it was clear as day. Nothing we saw was even real, it was a hoax of epic proportions (decades in the making).
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